
 President's Message

It was a pleasure to welcome our Rylarian Megan Woods to our dinner meeting last Tuesday.

With his keen interest in the RYLA programme over many years it was appropriate that David Wylie acted as host for the night and did a great job of introducing Megan to the members.

Megan’ presentation to club members about her RYLA experience was reflective rather than giving us a blow-by-blow account of the event.
She started by telling us about her experience on an Outward-Bound course that she had attended 10 years earlier. She managed to get through the team building, leadership training and skills learning exercises but at the end of it felt a little low because she had not achieved the big successes she wanted. So, whilst challenging she finished the course feeling in her words “a little bit crap”. 

So, she entered the RYLA seminar with a little trepidation but excited by the prospect of using her tramping and physical training skills that she loves.
During the course she reflected more about helping others in her team noting the assistance she provided to a young woman who was struggling and exhibiting emotions like sulking, anger and crying. The experience brought to the fore that you do not know what the other person is going through and that the best approach is to help them through the process of them dealing with these negative emotions themselves.
One of the presenters on the course that impressed her the most was Jono Ridley the marathon swimmer who swam the Hauraki Gulf between Auckland and Great Barrier Island. She now has a new saying that supports her in her own efforts to challenge herself “act uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable”. 

Post the RYLA experience Megan now has a network of new friends “her pot luck dinner group”, is driven to give back to the community, is setting new management goals and overall is “building her life foundations”. 

Overall, a wonderful reflective presentation once again reinforcing the power of RYLA to change lives for the better.

In thanking Megan David Wylie also acknowledged the work that our own District RYLA board member Bill Charkow does to ensure that this programme continues on it successful path into the future.

Thanks to Mike for steering us through the meeting and Glenice and John S for technical support.
Raffle winners were: Have A Go 1st Pat Abercrombie. 2nd John Richardson. New World Vouchers Garry Donoghue and Madeleine East.

BOOKARAMA is currently underway and as I will be travelling in the next few weeks so will miss our next two meetings, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole club and the BOOKARAMA team for the amazing amount of work that has taken place to make it, once again, a wonderful community event.

Take Care and Stay Well.
Rob Mouncey

Oct 22, 2024 5:30 PM
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Meeting Duties

Host/Introduction/Speaker Thanks: Sally Fletcher
Reception: Pat Abercrombie
Attendance: Pat Abercrombie
Upcoming Events
Police Awards
Oct 22, 2024
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
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Member Birthdays
Bruce Burton
October 26
Bob Mackie
October 27
Spouse Birthdays
Jeannette Wylie
October 1
Barbara Thompson
October 5
Anita D'Souza
October 8
Latest News
Guest Speaker - RYLA - Megan Wolak
Megan Wolak speaking to club at the last dinner meeting.
Our guest speaker was Megan Wolak the club's RYLA attendee. 
Megan shared her thoughts and experiences of her attendance at the Rotary Young Leaders Awards seminar. held earlier this year.
The event was inspiring and challenging and Megan presented a reflective view of the impact it had on her. She closed with the comment that it had helped her in "building her life foundations".

 BOOKARAMA - Dealer Frenzy

The Early Bird Wednesday afternoon dealer and collector frenzy as they await the 12:00pm opening of the 2024 BOOKARAMA. Rob Mouncey trying to get people organized into some of sort of queue based open their ticket and token purchase numbers (limited success!!)

 Rotary Dine Out

Our last Rotary Dine Out was during Easter when Helen Donoghue deservedly won the Easter Bonnet Competition.

Labour Weekend is coming up and it's a good time to celebrate the beginning of summer and our Bookarama success with an enjoyable dinner evening with your Rotary friends at The Good Home Restaurant on Sunday 27th October commencing at 6.00pm.

Please reserve your place at the Rotary table by emailing by Wednesday 23rd October
U3A has a monthly Dinner Club. They meet on the third Tuesday of the month at different Howick Restaurants and we have been invited to join them. 

The next one is on Tuesday 15th October at Restaurant 38 at The Botany Town Centre commencing at 6.00pm. We have 7 Rotary members who are also members of U3A so if you wish to attend and dine with Howick Rotarians and meet other like minded people over an enjoyable dinner please email me and I will book you in. There is no requirement to be a member of U3A. If you are unable to attend on Tuesday and would like to be kept informed of other Dinner Club outings please register with David.

Thank you
David Teape,
Rotary Dine Out Convenor.
Articles/Content to be submitted to the editor No Later than 11am Thursday. Email to:
Attendance apologies should be emailed to