
 President's Message

Madeleine East
The turnout for the meeting was down on numbers. Some Members are away seeking sunshine with a few unwell.

Welcome once again to Clem, our exchange student.  Clem seems to have settled into school and is also enjoying his host family.  They are a Spanish family and the daughter is of similar age.  She is destined to go to France as an exchange student later in the year.

Our very own Rotary member, Sally Fletcher was the guest speaker for this meeting.  Sally spoke about ShelterBox.

Sally has been associated with ShelterBox since 2011, having done her training she is now part of the ShelterBox Response Team, one of one hundred and fifty SRT’s worldwide.

Sally’s involvement has required her to travel to typhoon hit areas, Fiji being her first deployment in 2012.  Since then she has been to the Philippines and Vanuatu.  The Philippines has been constantly hit by typhoons with SB responding more than twenty five times.

SB is twenty four years old and started as a Rotary project in Helston Cornwall UK.  SB is supported by volunteers, paid staff and a global network of affiliates and partners including Rotary International.  Seventy percent of the funding to run SB comes from Rotary.
SB has a vision that every family is entitled to shelter which provides dignify and hope.  Everything they do is shaped by the four humanitarian principals of humanity, impartiality, independence and neutrality.  They are currently working in Turkey, Ukraine and Syria. SB partners with Relief Aid.  Conflicts zones use a large volume of SB resources now.
Our thanks to Sally for a very interesting and informative speech.

Last year Howick Rotary with the help of the Thomas Brydon Trust donated in excess of $!6,000.00 of international relief aid to ShelterBox, Emergency Response Kits, ReliefAid and Rotary New Zealand World Community Service. Locally with a matching grant from the Thomas Brydon Trust we donated $10000 for Cyclone Gabrielle relief aid.

I recommend visiting website for up-to-date information.

Rotary business then took place.  Sergeant Steve once again extracted money from members........again with much humour!

All members were updated with progress to date regarding the proposed merger with Pakuranga Rotary Club. The next meeting with Pakuranga Rotary is set down for September 11th.

Congratulations to the Raffle winners. Have a go raffle...       1st Geoff Thompson. 2nd Sally Fletcher.
New World Vouchers;- for Mike Stanghan and Fred Holland.

Our next dinner meeting is 12th September. This is our Charter – Birthday dinner night here at the Howick Club
 I will unfortunately be away in Australia so wish you all an enjoyable evening.

Kind regards.
Take care and stay warm.
Malcolm J Pascoe.   
President RCOH.

Meeting Duties

Host/Introduction/Thanks: NA
Reception: Pat Abercrombie
Attendance: Pat Abercrombie
Upcoming Events
Charter Night Birthday Celebration
Sep 12, 2023
5:30 PM – 9:30 PM
View entire list
Member Birthdays
John Richardson
August 1
Harjit Singh
August 3
Jim Duckworth
August 6
Tony Francis
August 14
Mathew Cooke
August 17
Garry Donoghue
August 24
Spouse Birthdays
Meryl Monk
August 12
Jane Percival
August 25
Latest News
Guest Speaker - ShelterBox
Our guest speaker at the last dinner meeting was our own Sally Fletcher who made a presentation about ShelterBox. Sally is one of 150 members of the international ShelterBox Response Team. She joined ShelterBox in 2011 and has joined international teams to help provide relief aid in Fiji, Vanuatu and the Philippines.

ShelterBox started as a Rotary project in Helston Cornwall UK.  It is supported by volunteers, paid staff and a global network of affiliates and partners including Rotary International.  Seventy percent of the funding to run the organization comes from Rotary. The ShelterBox Vision Statement is “No one without shelter after disaster”. The task is huge, globally, the need for emergency shelter is growing every day. To 2021, over 100 million people were forced from their homes by disaster and conflict. 

A great presentation of a wonderful humanitarian organization which the club is proud to continue supporting.

 Club Directory Changes

The pink Club Directory needs updating. The changes required are as follows:

1. Important Dates to Remember – page 1. Fun Walk & Run – new date 24th March 2024.
2. Committees 2023-2024 - page 17. Membership/Club Services – delete Bill Charkow and insert Rob Mouncey.
3. Committees 2023-2024 - page 17. International/Vocation/Youth – delete Rob Mouncey and insert Bill Charkow

Please amend your Directories accordingly.

Colin Monk

 Spring Rotary Dine Out Celebration 

Spring Rotary Dine Out Celebration Sunday 3rd September.
Spring will soon be "bustin' out all over" and to celebrate the start of an exciting new season join your Rotary friends for dinner at the Good Home Restaurant at the Prospect of Howick commencing at 6.00 pm.

Book your seat with Rotary Dine Out Convenor David Teape by emailing by 28th August.
Why not wear a Spring flower or two to celebrate the occasion?  

 Pakuranga Rotary Meeting Invitation

The Rotary Club of Pakuranga has arranged for Simeon Brown to be their guest speaker on Monday the 18th September and have cordially invited Howick Rotary members to join them.
If you plan on attending, please advise Malcolm McLagan by email

Bookarama New Sorting and Storage Location


Glenice and Colin with Pakuranga Brach Manager Sue Kahukore in the new sorting and storage room at Placemakers.
Articles/Content to be submitted to the editor No Later than 11am Thursday. Email to:
Attendance apologies should be emailed to