It was nice to welcome you all along to our dinner meeting on the 23rd of April.
Especially Sheanagh Knowls, a new member who will be inducted in July. Welcome Sheanagh.
We all attended Jim Duckworths funeral in the afternoon, our final farewell to Jim. We held a one-minute silence to remember Jim and pay our respects to Judy and their family. They very much appreciated the support from us all.
Our speaker for the evening was Amrutha Kishore, an Audiologist from Resonate Studio Howick.
Amrutha’s presentation was focused on Ear and Hearing Health.
Audiologists talk about how sensitive the ear is to picking up different sounds [audibility] and how well the brain is able to process and make sense of these different sounds [intelligibility].
Being able to hear affects our day-to-day quality of life. If you can’t hear as well as you need to, it may make you feel angry or frustrated. If you find it hard listening in social situations you may stop meeting people which limits your life choices.
Hearing helps us get the most from life, but hearing problems can take you by surprise. As a result, many people spend years living in a muffled world before they realize something can be done.
Balance disorders are often attributed to hearing loss. A person with a mild hearing loss is 3X more likely to suffer a fall. Hearing loss uses more brain resources and can negatively impact sleep through reduced auditory input. Treating hearing loss is shown to have a positive effect on sleep quality.
Hearing loss and memory coincides with the incidence of dementia increasing in the world. Communication becomes more difficult leading to social isolation which reduces brain stimulation.
Tips for Healthy Ears.
Avoid exposure to loud sounds. [watch volume]
Protect your ears from noise.
Give your ears a rest.
Don’t put anything in your ears.
Get regular checkups. Hearing assessment.
Be Proactive not Reactive.
“Hearing Health is Brain Health”
Ears Hear- Brain Listens.
There were several questions from the floor-
Bill Charkow thanked Amrutha for a very informative presentation. All the Club members showed their appreciation in the normal manner.
Rotary Business then took place.
Steve Lines the Sergeant once again told some light hearted jokes and fined members for misdemeanours since the last meeting.
Congratulations to the raffle winners.
New World vouchers-
Rob Mouncey & Glen Donaldson.
Have a Go-
Fred Holland & Jenny Richardson.
My thanks to you all for making it such an enjoyable evening.
Thanks to Gavin for his Birthday drinks shout. Also, thanks Glenice, Carole and Pat for setting up and tidyng up at the end.
Our next meeting is set down for the 14th of May. The guest speaker is yet to be confirmed.
Kind Regards,
Take care and stay warm,
Malcolm J Pascoe.