Lexie Palmer-Gapper GM of the Howick Historical Village Speaking to the Club For the club's first dinner meeting of 2025 Lexie Palmer-Gapper General Manager of the Howick Historical Village was our guest speaker. Lexie gave an update on the progress the Village has made particularly post Covid and the challenges that they face. After this presentation she tested members knowledge of our own and the Villages history with a short quiz. The quiz was really enjoyable and helped remind us of the Fencible migration beginnings of the local Howick area.
Guest Speaker - Lexie Palmer-Gapper
2025-01-30 11:00:00Z |
The Annual Howick Fun Walk & Run will be held on the 16th March commencing at 9:00am You can register for the event on-line or prior to the start on the day.
Howick Fun Walk & Run is Coming on March 16th
2025-01-15 11:00:00Z |
Owen Griffiths sharing his experience of the RYPEN Seminar he attended. Owen Griffith was the clubs guest speaker at the recent dinner meeting. Owen was accompanied at the dinner meeting by his mother Katherine and father Barry. Dad Barry also helped as Owens overhead slide assistant - a good father son combination. By his own admission Owen was a reluctant participant at the start of the seminar but his confidence grew throughout the event and he is now a great RYPEN advocate. In fact he now has RYLA in his sights for the next step in self development. Howick members and Rotary can be really proud of the ongoing contribution that the various young person development programmes make in our community (see below on the web site under Areas of Focus for more information).
RYPEN Presentation
2024-11-30 11:00:00Z |
2024-10-11 11:00:00Z |
Megan Wolak speaking to club at the last dinner meeting. Our guest speaker was Megan Wolak the club's RYLA attendee. Megan shared her thoughts and experiences of her attendance at the Rotary Young Leaders Awards seminar. held earlier this year. The event was inspiring and challenging and Megan presented a reflective view of the impact it had on her. She closed with the comment that it had helped her in "building her life foundations".
Guest Speaker - RYLA - Megan Wolak
2024-10-11 11:00:00Z |
Gerald Paterson Speaking to the Club about his Ride USA cycling journey to raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease NZ Local personality Gerald Paterson was our guest speaker at our last dinner meeting. Gerald shared his experiences of his epic journey across the USA starting at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and ending with a NYPD escort cycling through the streets of New York to Central Park 36 days later.
Guest Speaker - Gerald Paterson
2024-09-28 12:00:00Z |
  Double Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowship Awards being presented to Colin Monk and Geoff Thompson at the Club's Charter Night Celebrations by President Rob Mouncey. The highlight of the clubs Charter Night celebration was the presentation of Double Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowship Awards to Colin Monk and Geoff Thompson. Ian Fox ably introduced the awards and delivered the citations for each noting in the case of Colin his involvement in the Howick Fun Walk & Run event from its inception 10 years ago then taking over the committee leadership in the last 5 years and Geoff’s involvement with Bookarama from its beginning 23 years ago and leading the committee in the last 4 years. This is in addition to each of them also contributing to the ongoing breadth of Rotary projects and activities. Both Colin and Geoff had retired from their Convenor positions this year. In presenting the Double Sapphire Paul Harris Pins President Rob Mouncey thanked Colin and Geoff for their Convenor roles and the amazing contribution to the club’s overall well being over their many years of service.
Service Honours Awarded
2024-09-13 12:00:00Z |
Top: Longest Serving Rotarian and current Treasurer John Richardson cutting the birthday cake with President Rob Mouncey Bottom: Rotarians with more than 25 years service standing to be applauded by the fellow members, partners and guests. The Club celebrated its Charter Night recently. The birthday celebration marks 63 years of history and the beginning of its 64th year. The club’s Charter was presented by District Governor of the day Ernie Thomas from Auckland Club to first President of Howick Rotary Charles Blackwood on the 26th September 1961. The sponsoring club was Newmarket Rotary. The evening was a great balance of fun and formality enjoyed by members, partners, honorary members and guests.
Charter Night Birthday Celebration
2024-09-13 12:00:00Z |
Dale Burden Principal of Howick College addressing the club. Dale Burden Principal of Howick College was the clubs guest speaker at the last dinner meeting. Dale has been in the teaching profession both in NZ and Australia for over 34 years, 25 of which have been in senior roles with Howick College being his 4th Principals position. He spoke about the challenges that he and the profession now face with Colleges being large and complex organizations. It was an informative and thought provoking presentation.
Guest Speaker - Dale Burden
2024-08-31 12:00:00Z |
Announcing the Opening of the New Bookarama Dedicated Web Site - www.bookarama.co.nz - Lots More Info - Go and Have a Look!!!!!! Yes it is that Time of Year Again! The Sale starts on Wednesday 9th September with the Early Bird Entry and is then followed through from Thursday to Sunday. If you want first dibs go BOOKARAMA.CO.NZ and complete the Early Bird entry registration.
Bookarama Sale On - New Dedicated Web Site
2024-08-16 12:00:00Z |
Bo Burns Speaking to the Club about Time Online Local business owner and Local Board member Bo Burns was the club's guest speaker at the last dinner meeting at the Howick Club. Bo started her presentation by providing some background about herself. She was born, raised and educated locally and one of first jobs was working at Howick & Pakuranga Times. After working overseas she then cam back to work for Times Media befiore starting her own brand marketing business. She is passionate about the local community and it it was this passion that drove her to purchase the digital assets of the Time Media Group when it went into liquidation recently. Bo went on to describe the journey she has been on with the staff that joined her creating Times Online, first the continually online version, then the bi-monthly subscriber version and finally revealing (with the club being sworn to secrecy) that the print version would be back from the end of the week. All this achieved while still running her business, being a Local Board member, a mother of 2 daughters. Well done her!
Guest Speaker
2024-08-16 12:00:00Z |
President Rob Mouncey welcoming new member Sheanagh Noles to the club. Sheanagh Noles officially joined the club at the clubs last dinner meeting. Sheanagh is a long standing member of the Howick community and works for Ray White as a a residential real estate agent. Husband Steve is a former member from around 2005 to 2013. It will be great to have them participating in club activities again.
New Member Induction
2024-07-25 12:00:00Z |
David Dwerryhouse speaking on the Camino de Santiago one of world's great walks. David started his talk by giving us a background to the Camino de Santiago. As he explained the Camino is actually a pilgrimage journey rooted in medieval times and is a network of routes that start in many places throughout Europe with all ending at the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, North West Spain. The cathedral is the burial location for St James one of Jesus’s 12 apostles.
Whilst there are many different walks there are 7 main ones with the most popular being Camino Frances starting in St Jean de Pont in France. It was this route that David and his 13 strong party from Tours Direct took on their journey which David described as a “bus walk”. Everyone had a choice of walking as little or as much as they wanted with the only proviso that get a “Camino” certificate you had to have walked at least 100 km.
David went on to share his many interesting experiences and photos over the 790km journey highlighting the beauty of the countryside, the amazing architecture, at times challenging food and ending in the beautiful Santiago de Compostela cathedral.
Guest Speaker
2024-07-25 12:00:00Z |
The sale with Carole Ansley and Glenice Yeoman manning the counter with Frith Jenkins partially obscured in the centre. The Bookarama 4 kids & Teens Sale which ran from Wednesday through to Friday was a great success. Many hundreds of children's and teen's books, puzzles, games and toys are now enjoying new homes following the sale. Lots of families, mums, dads, grandparents and individual children came to the sale making it an extremely popular school holiday event. David Fels Bookarama Convenor said " we tried the concept out last year to encourage kids to read and challenge their minds as well as having something to do in the school holidays. This years result has built on the success of last year with the numbers coming through the doors doubling. A big thank you to the Howick Village Optometrists, the Bookarama team, Rotarians that helped and the community for making the project a success. It looks like we will be able to put this into the community calendar for future years". The Sale is organized by Howick Rotary in conjunction with Howick Village Optometrists..
Bookarama 4 Kids & Teens a Great Success
2024-07-11 12:00:00Z |
Pene Frost Regional Manager - Stand Tu Maia Children's Services Pene Frost Regional Manager for Stand, Tu Maia, Children’s Services was the guest speaker at the club’s last dinner meeting. Pene presented a history to the organization from its beginning in 1919 when it started as Health Camps through to the current time where they have 5 regional Villages throughout New Zealand.
Stand’s services include a nationwide Stand for Children Service (which is inclusive of the therapeutic care and education component delivered in our children's villages) therapeutic social work services delivered in home based and school-based settings, family therapy, and a holiday programme for caregivers, including grandparents and foster parents.
Pene also commented on the sale of the Half Moon Bay site which has largely brought about by the building issues they have had to deal with since its construction. This Village has been there since 1948. They do not know precisely where they will be moving to but it will be somewhere in South Auckland.
Pene also thanked the club for the blankets donated during the recent Blankets 4 kids 4 Winter appeal. She said the impact on families is heartwarming.
Guest Speaker
2024-07-11 12:00:00Z |
The 2024/25 Howick Rotary Team From Left to Right: Mike Abercrombie Sergeant, Glenice Yeoman Social Director, Mike Stanghan IVY Director, David Fels Community Director, Rob Mouncey President, Ian Fox Secretary, Carole Ansley President Elect, Membership/Club Services Director, John Richardson Treasurer, Malcolm Pascoe Past President. Howick Rotary held its Changeover Dinner on the 2nd July. The meeting was attended by District Governor Vidya Nand, District Governor Elect Kirsten Hawke, Rotary Community Leader Evelyn York, Assistant Governor David Bradshaw, external Paul Harris Fellows, honorary members, family groups and members and partners. It was a delightful occasion with a mix of fun and formalities reviewing the current year, awarding 3 new honorary memberships and 2 new Paul Harris Fellowships and a preview of the new year ahead. Adding to the enjoyment of the night was a "Guess Who" competition based on members early childhood photos, hamper raffles and the big "Have A Go" draw. All in all, a fitting way to finish one Rotary year and start another.
New Team at Howick Rotary
2024-07-04 12:00:00Z |
A sample of the wonderful assortment of books, puzzles, games and toys that will be On Sale during the first week of the School Holidays. The Bookarama team have been sorting through the donated books, puzzles games and toys for the sale that takes place from the 10th to the 12th July at the Howick Information Centre between 10:00am and 4:00pm daily. Come along and join in this great School Holiday activity
Bookarama 4 Kids & Teens Sale Starts 10th July
2024-07-04 12:00:00Z |
Bookarama 4 Kids & Teens Charity Sale of Books, Puzzles, Games and Toys at the Howick Information Centre, 91 Picton Street Howick An Ideal Family Event for the School Holidays Starts Wednesday 10th July.
Bookarama 4Kids & Teens
2024-06-27 12:00:00Z |
Pat Abercrombie presenting her review of the Social Committee's activities during 2023/24 Reviews of each of the club's Committee activities during the Rotary year from July 2023 to June 2024 were presented by Directors at the club's last dinner meeting. These reports will be combined with project reports, the President's, Secretary's and Treasurer's reports along with the full year accounts for the club and the trust to make up the Annual Report which will be presented at the AGM later in the year.
Committee Reviews
2024-06-15 12:00:00Z |
More Books, Puzzles Games and Toys are Needed!!!!! Urgent Action Required!!!!! The Collecting Stage of the Bookarama 4 Kids & Sale is underway but More are Needed to Make it a Successful Event to Help Kids Reading and Provide a Great School Holiday Activity. Howick Rotary, who are organizing the sale event in conjunction with Frith Jenkins from Howick Village Optometrist, urgently need donations of books, games, puzzles and toys for children of all ages including teens. There are 5 drop off points:
Howick Village Optometrist in Picton Street Grasslands in Moore Street Placemakers Pakuranga on Pakuranga Road Farm Cove Intermediate on Butley Drive Café Danske Mobler in Botany Town Centre
The sale will be held at the War Memorial Information Centre between Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th July.
The sale was initiated last year in a discussion between Frith Jenkins and Rotarians to encourage kids and teens to read books at the same time as having a local community activity for parents and grandparents with kids to enjoy during the school holidays. New Bookarama Convenor David Fels said “the club was pleased with the results from the first year and want to see whether we can add this albeit smaller more specialized event to the annual Bookarama calendar”.
Bookarama 4 Kids & Teens - SOS - More Books Needed!!
2024-06-02 12:00:00Z |
Guest Speaker Angela Calver at the East Auckland Business Awards From Left to Right: Anita D'Souza, David Fels, Angela Calver, Michelle Domingo, Malcolm Pascoe, Rob Mouncey The guest speaker at the club’s last dinner meeting was Angela Calver. Angela is CEO of NZ’s largest National Food Rescue organization KIWIHARVEST based in East Tamaki. KIWIHARVEST were the winners of the Howick Rotary sponsored “Excellence in Community Impact” Award in the East Auckland Business Awards held in March. Angela explained the scope and scale of the KIWIHARVEST organization. In the last year it rescued an amazing 12500 tonnes of food, provided 27.5M meal equivalents to needy families through 220 recipient charities. A truly worthy winner of the “Excellence in Community Impact” award.
Guest Speaker
2024-06-01 12:00:00Z |
Howick Rotary's team sorting and packing blankets at the War Memorial Information Centre From Left to Right: Glenice Yeoman, Carole Ansley and Pat Abercrombie. The Blankets 4 kids 4 Winter appeal organized for the month of May by Howick Rotary wound up last Friday. The hundreds of blankets that were donated were sorted and packed at the War Memorial Information Centre ready for distribution to families in need through Stand Children’s Services, All Saints Anglican and Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Churches. There was also a large number of cot and smaller blankets that will be delivered to Auckland’s Liitlemore Baby Charity next week.
Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter Winds Up
2024-06-01 12:00:00Z |
The pile of blankest awaiting sorting in the storeroom of the Howick Information Centre “We are now just over half way through May and unfortunately the flow of blankets being received for the Blankets 4 kids 4 Winter appeal is running significantly slower than in previous years” Rob Mouncey Convenor of the project for Howick Rotary reported at the club meeting. Rob went on to say “on the positive side the public cash donation portal running on the web site and through Facebook has raised $380”. Rob then thanked those members who have made a donation through their club account. “There have been 7 member donors and a total of $425 raised already and with this being matched by the Community Trust the club’s contribution to the appeal will be significant”, Rob said. He concluded “Howick is a generous and caring community so with the combination of the blankets donated and the purchase of blankets with the cash received we are still expecting the project to achieve its goal of helping a substantial number of families keep their kids warm this winter”.
Blankets 4 Kids Flow is Slow
2024-05-18 12:00:00Z |
Heather Kentsley Investment Manager for Southern Cross Partners Speaking to the Club The guest speaker at the club’s dinner meeting was Heather Kentsley, Investment Manager for Southern Cross Partners a local Investment Advisory organization. Heather’s subject was “How to Avoid Investment Scams”. With the growing number and sophistication of scams occurring the subject was very topical. The presentation was very comprehensive and informative and covered the wide range of scams that there are operating these days. In order to stay abreast of what is happening as well as reporting scams she gave club members the very good advice of going to the Financial Markets Authority web site www.fma.govt.nz and referring to the special page on scams.
Guest Speaker
2024-05-18 12:00:00Z |
The 2024 Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter Project is Underway and Will Go for the Whole Month of May Winter is on its way and the unfortunate truth is that many families in the community will not have enough blankets to keep their kids warm on winter nights. The Collection Points will again be the Howick Information Centre, Howick Village Optometrist both in Picton Street and Grasslands in Moore Street. An additional collection point has now been added with Placemakers Pakuranga joining the team complete with signage on the busy Pakuranga Highway. A Big Thank You for Supporting this Wonderful Community Project!
Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter is Underway
2024-04-29 12:00:00Z |
From Left: President Malcolm, Andy Revans, Damien Light Chairman of the Local Board Simeon Brown Minister of Transport, Local Govt and Auckland in front of the Sancta Maria display. A new event, which was brought to the club by Anzac supporter Andy Revans, the Howick Schools Anzac Commemoration Exhibition was held in the Fencible Lounge in the Library building on Wednesday 24th April and the afternoon of the 25th April after the morning services. The concept for the project was initiated to encourage the increased involvement of school students in local Anzac commemorations and adds to the existing RSA schools Anzac story competition programme. The displays were of high quality and ranged from the story of Charles Upham from Macleans College Upham House students to a comprehensive and colourful story of WW1 on the land, sea and air by Sancta Maria College.
Howick Schools Anzac Commemoration Exhibition
2024-04-27 12:00:00Z |
Amrutha Kishore speaking to the club. The club’s guest speaker at the last dinner meting was Amrutha Kishore an Audiologist with Resonate Howick talking about Hearing and Ear Health. Amrutha told members “The ear hears and the brain listens” and poor hearing can have a widespread affect on overall health linked to brain activity, balance, spatial awareness and memory. The advice conclusion being have your hearing tested regularly and take action to ensure it is maintained including the use of hearing aids.
Guest Speaker
2024-04-27 12:00:00Z |
A new way for students to be involved in the Anzac commemorations has been initiated by local supporter Andy Revans with Howick Rotary's help. Schools in the area have been invited to design and set up static displays depicting an Anzac theme in an Exhibition that will be held in the Fencible Lounge in the Howick Library building at 27 Uxbridge Road on Wednesday 24th April and the afternoon of the 25th April after the commemoration services in the morning. Six schools are taking part Macleans, Sancta Maria, Ormiston, Mission Heights Junior Colleges, Somerville Intermediate and Elim Christian College Year 7/8. Howick Rotary is pleased and proud to support this new Anzac event as it is an earnest supporter of Anzac commemorations and is keen to assist the development of the skills and knowledge of young people. It will be interesting to see how each student group approaches the project.
Howick Schools Anzac Commemoration Exhibition
2024-04-13 12:00:00Z |
Auckland Councillor Sharon Stewart speaking to the club The clubs guest speaker at the last dinner meeting was Howick's Auckland Councillor Sharon Stewart. Sharon as Chairperson of Auckland Council's Civil Defense and Emergency Management Committee related her experience of the flooding events in Auckland over Anniversary weekend and also included remarks about the Disaster Management Review carried out by ex Police Commissioner Mike Bush. A new Disaster Management and Relief Plan is being prepared for Auckland including the Bush recommendations.
Guest Speaker - Sharon Stewart
2024-04-12 12:00:00Z |
The guest speakers at the last club dinner meeting were Zoe Dixon and Harry Gan, Howick College year 13 students who had attended the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum held in conjunction with AUT. Massey University and the University of Auckland. They shared their experience and learning from the 2 week live in course that is held annually in Auckland for 160 students selected from across New Zealand.
Guest Speakers
2024-03-31 11:00:00Z |
At the club’s last dinner meeting Colin Monk Convenor reviewed the Howick Fun Walk & Run event and thanked all those members and their families who helped make it another great success.
Another Successful Howick Fun Walk & Run
2024-03-31 11:00:00Z |
The clubs guest speaker at the last dinner meeting was member Steve Lines who presented a most entertaining personal story of his introduction to ocean sailing on his journey from Tonga to New Zealand. An interesting and challenging experience which laid the foundation for Steve's love of the activity.
Guest Speaker - Our Own Steve Lines
2024-03-16 11:00:00Z |
Left to Right: BeyondWater Co-Founder Sharon Crean, Host Glenice Yeoman, BeyondWater East Africa Director Mary Mwikali, President Malcolm Pascoe after the guest speaker presentation. The guest speakers at the last dinner meeting were the BeyondWater team of Co-Founder Sharon Crean and East Africa Director Mary Mwikali who presented an update of the organization's relief activities providing clean water and sanitation for East African communities.
BeyondWater Guest Speakers
2024-03-02 11:00:00Z |
David Fels, Director of the Community Committee presenting an update to the Club At the Club's last dinner meeting the Director's of the Clubs various committees informed club members what activities and projects their committees had been involved in for the first half of the Rotary year and then went on to outline their programmes for the second half.
Club Assembly Meeting
2024-02-17 11:00:00Z |
The guest speaker at the club's first meeting in 2024 was Paul Brobell, the new Director of Uxbrideg Arts and Culture. Paul told members about his involvement in the Museum/Art Gallery sector in New Zealand with his last position being Curator at the Grovett-Brewster Gallery/Len Lye Centre in New Plymouth. He then went on to provide members with a background and history of Len Lye himself being one of New Zealand's leading multi-media artists, kinetic sculpture creator and film maker. Overall, an informative and interesting look into one of New Zealand's well known and prominent artists.
Guest Speaker - Paul Brobell
2024-01-30 11:00:00Z |
Santa visiting Lynne and Gavin Green at the Club's Christmas Party The club celebrated Christmas in fine fashion at the Pakuranga Tennis Club at its last meeting for the year. Everyone got in the mood by dressing up in "the colours of Christmas" with the winning costumes on the night going to Heather and John Savory. In addition to Santa visiting there were lots of mystery number prizes, two big Christmas hampers and the big Christmas "Have A Go"draw. A great way to end 2023!
Christmas Party
2023-12-15 11:00:00Z |
Damien Light Chairperson of the Howick Local Board talking to his Power Point presentation at the Howick Club Damien Light Chairperson of the Howick Local Board was the club's guest speaker at the last dinner meeting. The title of his presentation was "Turning Strategy Into Action Who What How of the Howick Local Board". The presentation included a personal introduction, his fellow board members, facts and figures on the Howick area, some history, workings of Auckland Council and the Local Board Plans including significant financial information. Altogether a comprehensive and succinct presentation which was well received by the members.
Guest Speaker
2023-12-01 11:00:00Z |
The Howick College contestant group following the speech awards. From left to right Winner Rylee Barret, Michelle Innes who presented the trophy, Chanelle Good, Casey Ferguson, Bianca Smith, Anne Botha Head of English and President Malcolm Pascoe. The annual Brian Hanlon Rotary 4 - Way Test speech contest for year 9 and 10 Howick College students was held at the clubs last dinner meeting. 4 Finalists Bianca Smith, Casey Fergusson, Chanelle Good and Rylee Barret presented some very topical and thought-provoking speeches to a large audience of their families, College organizing and supporting teachers and Rotary club guests and members. Rylee Barret was the winner on the night and was awarded the Brian Hanlon Memorial trophy for 2023 by Michelle Innes Brian’s daughter. Each of the finalists received gift vouchers supported by Paper Plus.
2023 Brian Hanlon Memorial Speech Awards
2023-11-17 11:00:00Z |
District Governor Vineeta Nand, Assistant Governor David Bradshaw and District Governor Nominee Kirsten Hawke with club members. District 9920 Governor Vineeta Nand gave a presentation of the work and goals of Rotary throughout the district with particular emphasis on some of the wonderful projects being carried out in the Pacific Islands. She was accompanied by AG David Bradshaw and DG Nominee Kirsten Hawke. A good update on things Rotary.
District Governor's Visit
2023-10-26 11:00:00Z |
Martin Butler Presenting "Secrets of North Head Part 2" at the Club's Dinner Meeting Martin Butler was the guest speaker at the club’s last dinner meeting. This is the second occasion that Martin has presented to the club and provided an update on his investigation into the “secrets” of North Head. From earlier investigations based on historical documents and eye witness accounts Martin employed the services of Scan Tec Geophysical Consultants and using ground penetrating radar has confirmed the myriad of closed off tunnels and structures some of which may contain old ammunition. Martin has written a book “Tunnel Vision” based on his 20 year investigation and his concern for the possible consequences of the old munitions exploding. All in all another intriguing and possibly concerning presentation.
Guest Speaker - Martin Butler
2023-10-26 11:00:00Z |
Dr Paul Moon New Zealand historian and professor at Auckland University of Technology spoke at the club’s last dinner meeting. His subject was “How Nostalgia Affects Our Perception of History”. His presentation was interesting and thought provoking as he recounted examples of how history can be open to interpretation as opposed to science being based on facts and truth. Human beings tend to forget the “bad” things that happen and embellish the “good’ things. A recent example is when people are asked about their experience during Covid they tended to recall the positive things that happened rather than the fear of dying that was prevalent in the early days of the pandemic.
Another interesting finding was that with the advent of the mobile phone and social media younger people in particular have less interface with history as society moves to living in the present without the nostalgic memory of past events.
Guest Speaker - Professor Paul Moon
2023-10-12 11:00:00Z |
The grand Bookarama sale of books, games, puzzles, LP’s DVD’s and CDs concluded successfully on the last Sunday of the school holidays. Hundreds if not thousands of people visited the 5-day sale at Somerville Intermediate’s gymnasium and made their purchases of donated items. From the purchase of one book of interest, annual reading material or the purchase of items for re-sale through second hand or on-line retailers people came from far and wide to make the sale another big success for Howick Rotary. The money raised from the event supports the wide range of community projects that the club runs throughout the year. From its inception Bookarama has enabled the club to pump over a half a million dollars back into the community.
2024 Bookarama Another Great Success
2023-10-12 11:00:00Z |
Bookarama Super Sunday Sale
2023-10-07 11:00:00Z |
From Left to Right: Rotary members and friends at Ray Whites basement, Placemakers delivering to Somerville Int., Pakuranga Tennis Club and Coastguard members unloading. Preparation for the Bookarama Sale at Somerville Intermediate between the 4th to the 8th October is well underway. Over the years the project has grown in scale to a point where Howick Rotary is being aided by different community groups to make the whole event possible. “The Hall Set up at Somerville Intermediates Gym and the “Big Move” of books from sorting stations at Ray White’s cellar and Placemakers Pakuranga now involves Placemakers staff, volunteers from Pakuranga Tennis Club and Coastguard as well as our own members” said Rotary convenor Geoff Thompson. “In addition, we get assistance from the Howick Village Association, local retailers, schools and Times Media Group to promote the event and act as collection depots. Bookarama has become so large that without the help of these wider community groups the event would not be possible. We are so thankful we live in an area where the community comes to together to make things happen” he concluded.
Bookarama Has become A Community Wide Event
2023-09-28 11:00:00Z |
The Bookarama Sale is On from the 4th to the 8th October at Somerville Intermediate 39 Somerville Road. Please Note Collection Depots Close on Tuesday 26th September. If a Drop Off is Necessary Please Take the the Books Directly to Somerville Intermediate.
Bookarama - Sale On, 4 - 8 October
2023-09-23 12:00:00Z |
Top: Past President Madeleine East cutting the birthday cake with maker/baker Jim Duckworth Bottom: Party Group, Pakuranga President Govind Pani and wife Sanhya with new Corporate member Sarah Laing and husband Dougal, Honorary member Bruce Burton with Jim Donovan The club’s last dinner meeting was a birthday charter night celebrating 62 years. The event was attended by members and honorary members along with partners and guests Pakuranga Rotary President Govid Pani and his wife Sanhya. There were raffles, spot prizes and lots of humour throughout the night. The challenge of best dressed birthday party outfits was won by Celeste and Fred Holland dressed in sartorial elegance.
Charter Birthday Celebration
2023-09-16 12:00:00Z |
Our guest speaker at the last dinner meeting was our own Sally Fletcher who made a presentation about ShelterBox. Sally is one of 150 members of the international ShelterBox Response Team. She joined ShelterBox in 2011 and has joined international teams to help provide relief aid in Fiji, Vanuatu and the Philippines. ShelterBox started as a Rotary project in Helston Cornwall UK. It is supported by volunteers, paid staff and a global network of affiliates and partners including Rotary International. Seventy percent of the funding to run the organization comes from Rotary. The ShelterBox Vision Statement is “No one without shelter after disaster”. The task is huge, globally, the need for emergency shelter is growing every day. To 2021, over 100 million people were forced from their homes by disaster and conflict.
A great presentation of a wonderful humanitarian organization which the club is proud to continue supporting.
Guest Speaker - ShelterBox
2023-08-25 12:00:00Z |
Bookarama is Coming
2023-08-12 12:00:00Z |
Rotary President Malcom Pascoe presenting the Annual Police Award to Constable Ella Gooding The annual Police Award ceremony was held at the club’s last dinner meeting. Rotary Convenor David Owen (himself a member of the Police Force in the UK for over 30 years) commenced the ceremony by introducing Area Commander Inspector Rod Honan. Rod then briefly shared his career journey in the Police force before introducing the members of the Ormiston based team attending the function. He then went to the highlight of the evening announcing this year’s award recipient as Constable Ella Gooding. Ella is currently in an acting Sergeant role and heads up an Area Prevention Unit (APU) of four people who deal with potentially high-risk crime in the area. In announcing Ella as the winner of this year’s award Rod Honan said that Ella has a 6th Sense for assessing potential crimes and taking the necessary action to prevent them occurring. The Award was presented to Ella by Rotary President Malcolm Pascoe who added his own commendation along with a big thank you for work that the Police do in the area keeping us all safe.
Police Award Presentation
2023-08-12 12:00:00Z |
President Malcolm Pascoe welcoming Clem Da Silva to his first dinner meeting. Clement (Clem) Da Silva the Club’s Rotary International Exchange Student from France was introduced to the club by his Councillor Mathew Cooke. Clem comes from Mauleon near Nantes in Upper Brittany. He has been sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bressuire. He is currently staying with Helen and Garry Donoghue who very kindly stepped in to help while Clem's first host family in Half Moon Bay becomes available. He has started attending Macleans College and is looking forward to joining in club activities.
New Rotary International Exchange Student Arrives
2023-07-29 12:00:00Z |
James Monk speaking to the club about his RYLA experience. James Monk the club’s sponsored participant in the Rotary Young Leaders Award programme shared his experiences with the members at our last dinner meeting. James found the course rewarding and challenging. The speakers, including such people as Sir Ian Taylor, were inspirational as they shared their individual journeys to success and leadership. There were several demanding team building exercises and James’s teams did very well as they came first on each occasion. For their service day they were assigned tasks at Mangamangaroa and on completion they were rewarded with a “Duckworth” feast at Jim and Judy’s home with this being one of James’s highlights of the course.
James outlined the multiple benefits of the course including socializing and new friend networks, “great leaps” in public speaking, self-discipline and “opening up new pathways to give back to the community". He concluded by thanking the club for their sponsorship.
Guest Speaker - RYLA Attendee James Monk
2023-07-29 12:00:00Z |
Bookarama for Kids - July 4 to 6!
2023-06-27 12:00:00Z |
Left - Colin Monk presenting the cheque to Coastguard's Jenny Rowsell and Chris Paul. Right - DG Allan Smith and wife Sue It was a very full night at the last dinner meeting of the club. New member Mathew Cook was inducted following an introduction from Ian Fox. James Monk our RYLA candidate was introduced by Dave Wylie. The Fun Walk & Run project cheque for $10000 was presented to Coastguard by Convenor Colin Monk and District Governor and wife Sue gave us a presentation of their backgrounds and what the DG team had been up to during the year.
Full Night at Dinner Meeting
2023-05-23 12:00:00Z |
The "Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter" Appeal Starts on May 1st with Collections Running Through the Month of May. if you have already given your spare blankets in previous years but would still like to help needy families keep their kids warm this winter there are some super special sales that some retailers have on at the moment. For example, the Warehouse has blankets for $20 that were on special for Mother’s Day down to $14. If you do not have any spare blankets but want to support the appeal look for retail specials at the Warehouse and other retail outlets.
"Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter" Appeal
2023-04-25 12:00:00Z |
Jon Duffy CEO of Consumer NZ was our guest speaker at the club’s last dinner meeting. Jon has more than 20 years’ experience working in the consumer field. This included roles at the Commerce Commission, heading the Trust and Safety Team and Trade Me, and more recently Assistant Privacy Commissioner. He is also Deputy Chair of Netsafe, and has been on the Board of Consumer NZ since 2014. Jon covered a range of issues including Supermarket competition, misleading specials and the use of facial recognition. He then went on to cover Retirement Village contracts, Climate Greenwashing and Health and Safety relating to cosmetics.
It was evident from Jon’s presentation that Consumer NZ does a great job for consumers with very limited resources based on funding from their own activities and public subscriptions
Guest Speaker - Jon Duffy
2023-04-14 12:00:00Z |
Sarb Lester Manager of Littlemore Charitable Trust Speaking at the Club Dinner Meeting Sarb thanked the club for the support that it provides Littlemore through its Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter project which is held in May each year. She also told members about the origins of Littlemore and its vision. The vision is to ensure every baby in Auckland has everything they need to keep them safe and warm. The focus is on the first year of a baby’s life and Littlemore is one of the few, if not the only organisation that focusses on new born babies whereas others tend to spread wider across a broader age range.
Too many of the babies needing support are the result of break downs in families, family violence, social isolation and so on. Littlemore can intervene quickly usually within a day or two, although Covid did present many challenges.
The organisation relies heavily on donations and volunteers, there is no Government funding. With over 5500 babies receiving an estimated $2.4M worth of goods from over 7300 supporters the organization delivered an amazing amount of support to needy families in the Auckland area in the last year.
Guest Speaker - Littlemore
2023-04-01 11:00:00Z |
Martin Butler - Guest Speaker Martin Butler was the guest speaker at our last dinner meeting. Martin, an ex-pilot has an interest in aviation history in New Zealand and talked about the first flights of the Walsh brothers. His interest in aviation also led him to research the mystery of 2 planes being stored in the North Head tunnels which in turn led to the possibility of there being more tunnels containing military history. However, disappointingly he has found there is a real resistance from authorities to allow further exploration so the mystery goes on. An interesting and thought-provoking presentation which led to many questions from members
Guest Speaker
2023-03-20 11:00:00Z |
RYLA (Rotary Young People Leadership Awards) is a week-long leadership development programme for 20 – 28-year olds hosted and sponsored by clubs in Rotary District 9920. It is an experiential live in programme designed to develop their teamwork and communication skills and fulfil their potential as leaders in our community. Applications are now open for this years programme to be held between Saturday June 24 and Saturday July 1st. Contact Dave Wylie Mob 027 534 4338 email david.wylie@experienceontap.co.nz or register on ryla.co.nz/home
RYLA - Rotary Young Leadership Awards
2023-03-04 11:00:00Z |
Arnie du Toit a relatively new member of the club gave a personal profile presentation at the last dinner meeting. Arnie is from South Africa and he still has a large extended family over there, but Arnie’s immediate family, Mum and Dad plus his brother and sister -in-law are well settled here in New Zealand.
Arnie joined Rotary because through his work he understands that many in our community are vulnerable and as a group that works for and in the community, Rotary is a good fit for his beliefs and values.
Arnie is a qualified mental health nurse who works as a private independent contractor who is focused on providing support and medical nursing care to people who have a range of mental health issues. As part of his role, he is at times required to work with Police and other agencies in times of disaster or death. To further his interest in health Arnie is continuing his studies at medical school.
Arnie is also the Marketing Manager for Mutual Financial Support Services, a family business which is part of SHARE, a NZ based network of financial advisers with a common brand, systems, and processes. Through this network the company understands the needs and goals of individuals and businesses and tailor solutions best suited to their needs.
Member Presentation
2023-03-04 11:00:00Z |
 The 2023 Howick Fun Walk and & Run is coming on the 26th March – Healthy Family Fun This premier Howick Rotary community event is a great draw card for walkers, runners, school teams and their families to enjoy the scenery of Howick whilst participating in healthy exercise. Starting and finishing at Howick’s historic Stockade Hill there are three exciting routes; 5.9km, 6.9km or 8.1km. After the run/walk, participants and families can relax under one of the many trees on Stockade Hill and enjoy music, food and a prize draw. It’s a day designed for the whole family to enjoy. The main beneficiary is the Howick Coastguard for the purchase of vital safety equipment. In the unlikely event we have to cancel the Fun Walk and Run, notification will be advised on both the FWaR website and the Howick Rotary website by 7.30am on Sunday 26th March; https://www.howickfunwalkrun.co.nz/ https://www.howickrotary.org.nz/ Should this be necessary registrations received will be considered donations to the Howick Volunteer Coastguard unless we are specifically contacted with a request for a refund of the fee paid. Also see www.howickfunwalkrun.co.nz
Howick Fun Walk & Run Event
2023-02-17 11:00:00Z |
Garry Donoghue making his Profile Presentation to the Club The speaker for the evening was our own Garry Donoghue. It is very clear that Garry has had an interesting career in the retail industry being involved in senior executive positions in a range of large corporations including Coles Myers, K Mart, Progressive Enterprises and Paper Plus. In his corporate life, while the work was complex and he needed to be very skilled in his strategic thinking and planning, there were also some very good highlights or “perks” such as swanning around the country side and across the Tasman in a private corporate jet. During his presentation he quipped that he has struck it lucky twice in his life, once when he missed the ballot for the draft in Australia and the second and most important when he met Helen, with this latter comment the meeting agreed most heartily!! After retirement Garry and Helen looked for more adventure and spent 3 years in a Camper Van travelling around Australia and New Zealand visiting all sorts of interesting places on the way. He even wrote a book which was published, and while it didn’t make the best seller list full marks must go to Garry for such an achievement. At age 70 when many of us are deciding if we can be bothered going for stroll around the block, Garry planned 7 Marathons completing them all!! Another amazing achievement. All of which were acknowledged by David Teape in his thank you to Garry on our behalf, along with the very valuable contribution to our club Garry has made over a number of years.
Member Profile Presentation
2023-01-27 11:00:00Z |
Following Sally Fletcher’s presentation of the appeal for Aid for Ukraine from the ReliefAid organization and the discussion regarding a similar appeal to assist Rotary Ukraine through Rotary NZ World Community Service the Board and Trust have approved support for both organizations. In the case of the ReliefAid appeal the club will apply to the Thomas Brydon Trust for a grant of $2500 which it in turn has been matched with a donation of $2500 from the RCoH Community Trust In addition, members donations collected through their club accounts will be added to the overall amount donated to ReliefAid. Please contact John Sanders Ph 537 3461 Mob 021 423 891 email sandersjw2017@gmail.com to advise the amount you wish added to your account.
In the case of the Rotary NZ World Community Service appeal on behalf of Rotary Ukraine the Board and the Trust have approved a donation of $3000.
Aid for Ukraine
2023-01-27 11:00:00Z |
Two Paul Harris Fellowship Awards were made at the Club’s recent Christmas Party. The Awards recognize the contribution that Rotarians or members of the public make to the community which is marked by a donation of $1000 to the international organization’s Rotary Foundation and the awarding of a special pin and certificate to the individual for their service. Barry Nicholls introduced the presentation to Meryl Monk wife of long serving member Colin Monk. Meryl was recognised for her strong support of our club and her ongoing commitment to so many of the club’s projects with a special mention made of the enormous contribution Meryl makes every year to Bookarama.
The second PHF was introduced by President Madeline East to Pat Abercrombie who has held many roles within the club, has been the Director of both community and social committees and provides great support for all club projects. Mention was made of how Pat prefers to work away quietly in the background such that the amount of work she does could easily be overlooked and it was particularly special to be able to ensure she was acknowledged for her efforts.
President Madeleine East concluded the awards ceremony by congratulating both Meryl and Pat on behalf of the club for their richly deserved Paul Harris Fellowships.
Paul Harris Fellowship Awards
2022-12-16 11:00:00Z |
The club held its annual Christmas Party last Tuesday being the final meeting for the calendar year. And what a great occasion it was. Held at the Pakuranga Tennis Club it was an evening of fun in an atmosphere that invited conversation and fellowship all very capably managed by our MC for the night David Teape. Many of our members took away spot prizes and the two very generous hamper raffles were won by Geoff Thompson and Malcolm Pascoe.
President Madeleine East took the opportunity on the night to wish everybody a Merry and Safe Christmas and thanked the Social Committee for the their great organization of the event.
Christmas Party
2022-12-16 11:00:00Z |
Sally Fletcher presenting her Community Committee report at the Club's AGM. The club held its AGM for the 2021/22 year at the last dinner meeting. Although the year was significantly disrupted by Covid the club was able to meet on Zoom and at an alternative venue, the Pakuranga Tennis Club. 2 of the major projects Bookarama and Fun Walk & Run had to be cancelled however the club was still able to complete a wide range of community projects, including the highly successful Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter.
Club AGM
2022-11-25 11:00:00Z |
President Elect Malcolm Pascoe with winner Stella Donaldson holding the Brian Hanlon Memorial trophy along with Michele Innes, Brian's daughter who presented the awards. Howick Rotary held its annual Brian Hanlon Howick College 4 – Way Test Speech Contest for Howick College year 9 and 10 students last Tuesday evening. This followed on from the previous judging at the College to select the finalists. The winner of the Brian Hanlon Speech Contest Award for this year was Stella Donaldson who spoke on the subject of “the problems and acceptance of people with disabilities”.
Brian Hanlon Speech Awards
2022-11-11 11:00:00Z |
The Club’s two awardees at this year’s RYLA seminar, Tara Nichols and Martina Rheinbeck presented their experiences at the last dinner meeting. They talked about the timetable and activities that they found thought provoking and challenging. A case of covid did impact on the programme as some were in isolation, but it was an opportunity to test resilience and support.
Overall, both of them found the course exciting and inspiring and both had developed their “can do” attitudes that will stand them in good stead as they head into the future.
Rotary Youth Leader Awardee Presentations
2022-10-27 11:00:00Z |
Huge Quantities of Books on Display Above and Below Tables at the Start of Bookarama 2022 With 2 years of collections this year’s Bookarama saw the largest volume of books, puzzles, CD’s, DVD’s and LPs ever on display in Somerville Intermediates Gym for the Sale which took place between Wednesday and Sunday last week. This is the 22nd year that Howick Rotary has organized the annual Bookarama event and it required a herculean effort by club members assisted by Coastguard and volunteers from the public to stage it. If you want to know more about Rotary go to www.howickrotary.org.nz or be a guest at one our meetings – call Glenice 021 2010262 or Rob 021 413341.
Biggest Bookarama Concludes
2022-10-18 11:00:00Z |
Jane Newbury Town Centre Manager, cycling enthusiast and well known Howickian Gerald Patterson and Madeline East President of Howick Rotary. Gerald is demonstrating the Cycle Repair Station newly installed at the rear of Market Square in Howick. A joint collaboration between the Howick Village Association and Howick Rotary will benefit local cyclists. A Cycle Repair Station has been installed at the rear of market square outside the HVA offices for the growing number of cycling enthusiasts in the area. Running repairs can now be done with an array of different tools on the station. It has a rack to hang the bike on while the work is being done.
Cycle Repair Station
2022-10-14 11:00:00Z |
Set Up Sale On Bookarama is now well underway with a huge mountain of books set out in Somerville Intermediates gymnasium for sale. The Early Bird Sale on Wednesday afternoon saw many dealers arrive from all over New Zealand, one even coming from Christchurch. This year there were many people other than dealers who were prepared to pay the $20 entry fee to get an early selection of the huge quantity of books, puzzles, CD's, DVD's and LPs that were on display. The Sale finishes tomorrow with all items being half price at the Super Sunday Sale. Super Sunday Sale - Half Price!
Bookarama - Sale On
2022-10-01 11:00:00Z |
President Madeleine East welcoming new member Arnie du Toit to the Club. Another relaxing evening at Howick Rotary after busy days sorting books ready for our huge Bookarama. It will be massive this time with two year's stock ready to go. We welcomed our newest member to the Club before participating in a very challenging quiz evening. Lots of laughs and a few cheeky answer challenges. If you would like to join with us to have some fun while also helping our community just send a message or give us a call and we will get back to answer any questions you may have.
New Member - Quiz Night
2022-10-01 11:00:00Z |
President Madeleine East and Jim Duckworth cutting the 61st birthday cake. The cake baked by Jim was delicious! At the clubs last dinner meeting it celebrated its 61st birthday. The evening was full of fun and humour with guests, partners and special guest Past District Governor Craig Horrocks present. The social committee had done a great job of giving the room a real festive atmosphere and the evening was full of fun and humour with many “lucky number” prizes being distributed amongst the throng. In addition the big “Have a Go” jackpot raffle was drawn with Ian Fox taking out first prize and Fred Holland winning second prize. The night was also marked by the presentation of RI President Holger Knaack’s long service awards for 2020/21 (somewhat belated due to Covid) to 13 recipients including a crystal globe to Jim Duckworth for over 50 years of service to Rotary. Prior to the start of the cub’s birthday social Craig Horrocks made a presentation to a Club Assembly on Rotary’s Regionalization Pilot project being undertaken in Oceania and the UK. Club members voted in favour of proceeding with the Pilot and President Madeleine will carry that vote forward to the next stage. This will be an exciting time to see how the different approach will help take Rotary into the future..
Charter Night Birthday Celebration
2022-09-17 12:00:00Z |
Bookarama is one of Howick Rotary's largest fundraising activities from which we support a huge range of community projects including helping needy families, improving the environment, supporting heritage, helping young people, assisting Coastguard and aiding local fun events. We welcome your support in making this wonderful community project a great success. Thank you.
Bookarama - Collection Stage
2022-09-12 12:00:00Z |
Nicola Gibson receiving the Annual Howick Rotary Police Award for 2022. President Madeleine East presented the Award which was announced by Scott Gemmell District Commander Counties Manukau East. The Annual Police Award is organized by Rotarian David Owen. The Annual Police Award was held at the Club’s last dinner meeting. This year it was the task of new District Commander for Counties Manukau – East Scott Gemmell to announce the winner of the 2022 Rotary Club of Howick Police Award to Nicola (Nicky) Gibson. On making the announcement Scott described the process by which the Leadership Team had put forward candidates and then jointly assessed the person who had made what Scott described as an amazing contribution to the force and the community. “Nicky has dedicated her career and life to policing. It is through her example of dedication and effort that police can help the community feel safe” he said. The Award was presented to Nicky by President Madeleine East who previously had welcomed the Leadership Team of 8 officers to the club’s dinner meeting. The Annual Award is organized by Convenor David Owen himself a police officer in the UK for many years.
Police Awards
2022-08-27 12:00:00Z |
Jim Duckworth holding the kauri Peel made by Menzshed with Marin Burgess President of the Howick & Districts Historical Society and Madeleine East President of the Rotary Club of Howick at the Oven Opening Ceremony A small opening ceremony at last Sunday’s “Meet the Villagers” open day at the Howick Historical Village marked the culmination of a project led by well-known former local baker Jim Duckworth of installing and operating a Heritage Recipe Bread Oven in the grounds of the Village. From the throngs of people trying out the various baked treats cooked in the oven the project will be a great draw card for visitors epitomizing the goal of open-air museums of bringing history to life.
Heritage Recipe Bread Oven Opening Ceremony
2022-08-18 12:00:00Z |
President Elect Malcolm Pascoe Presiding Over the Meeting President Elect Malcolm Pascoe presided over our last meeting with Committee Directors providing an update on their committee’s plans for the coming year. The Social calendar looks like we are in for an enjoyable time and the challenges of new membership got a good airing. This was followed by an interesting dissertation from Scottish Sergeant Bill Charkow on the poet Robbie Burns. In addition to telling us about Burn’s rich and colourful history Bill referred to 3 of his favourite poems and read one of them to the members on the subject of friendship – a fitting way to recognize one of the benefits the members share being part of the club.
Committee Updates plus Robbie Burns
2022-08-14 12:00:00Z |
Jan Beaumont was our guest speaker at our recent dinner meeting. Jan is the author of “Let’s All Drink to Lockdown” the poem that went viral around the world. Her fame with this poem spread such that she has undertaken interviews with the BBC, Australian and NZ radio networks. The poem was at some point wrongly attributed to well known funny English poet Pam Ayres. Jan was very philosophical about the mistake explaining that her main motivation in writing poetry is to make people smile.
She has now added to the original poem and written and published over 300 all of which focus on the day-to-day activities in our lives. She shared her life experience and some of the poems in her presentation. She also bought some of her books along which members were keen to purchase.
An Evening with Poet Jan Beaumont
Rob Mouncey
2022-07-28 12:00:00Z |
The guest speaker for the evening was Ken Scott President of the Howick Village Association (HVA). Before making his presentation Ken expressed the appreciation of the association for the support and contribution we make as a club to the Howick Community. Ken gave us a background to the HVA from when it started life as The Howick Business Association through to the current time as Howick Village Association. As the local Business Improvement and Development (BID) member the HVA is accountable to the Local Board for the development and growth of business in the Village business area.
The key public events managed by the HVA include the Christmas Fair, Howick Village Hop, ECO Day, Food and Culture Day, Fun in the Sun and of course the very popular Howick Village Market on Saturday mornings which draws people from all over Auckland. Surprisingly we learnt that Panuku Developments (Auckland Council’s property management CCO) charges a substantial fee for use of the land.
Some of the challenges facing the Association include: Bureaucracy, competition from the Malls. Online shopping, Howick as a destination not en-route to anywhere and is viewed as being out of the way with poor transport links.
A very interesting presentation generating some good questions and discussion.
Guest Speaker - Ken Scott, President HVA
2022-07-13 12:00:00Z |
Top: President Madeleine East being presented with a potted camelia by Social Director Mike Abercrombie with President Elect Malcolm Pascoe looking on. Bottom L and R: Mike Abercrombie and Rob Mouncey giving their Paul Harris Fellow thank you speeches. Mike is accompanied by Rotary District Governor Steve Chaney who presented the awards on the night. Bottom Centre: Members attending the Club's "Gliding On" Changeover at the Howick Club. Each year, across the globe at the end of June, Rotary Clubs elect a new leader, new team and plan for the year ahead. After such a disrupted 2021-2022 year and to maintain continuity the Rotary Club of Howick is moving forward with many of the existing team including re-electing its current President, Madeleine East MNZM for the year to come. As the number of changes were few the club decided to refer the normal “Changeover” function to more like “Gliding On”. However, MC on the night Ian Fox assured the audience that the Howick Rotary administration was significantly superior to the “bumbling bureaucrats” that acted in the early 1980’s TV series.
In reviewing the year President Madeleine outlined some of the many projects we have been able to complete despite Covid including our most recent highly successful 'Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter' project.
We also welcomed District Governor Steve Chaney and Edith who together gave us a snapshot of the challenges Rotary Clubs have faced during these COVID times.
A Paul Harris Fellowship Award was presented to Past President Mike Abercrombie and a Paul Harris Sapphire Pin to Past President Rob Mouncey for the considerable work they have done in supporting our club and the community.
We all look forward to a less disruptive year ahead as we now plan for our annual Bookarama sale in October.
"Gliding On" Changeover Night
2022-06-30 12:00:00Z |
Ex local MP Maurice Williamson was our guest speaker at the last club meeting. He briefly traced his history having been raised in Matamata and progressing through to Auckland University where he graduated with a Masters degree in Physics and Mathematics. His first job was with Air NZ before turning to politics and becoming MP for Pakuranga in 1987. He served in Parliament for 30 years holding many different portfolios.
Maurice retired as an MP in 2017 and then became NZ’s Consul General in Los Angeles and most of his presentation was on the US and Californian economies as well as sharing some observations about the US in general finally noting that to him the USA is not one country but with its federal structure it is in fact 50 different countries.
He rounded out an interesting and informative evening by announcing his candidacy for the position of Councillor for the Howick Ward on Auckland Council as he was fed up with the way that the Super City spending keeps on going up well above the normal rate of inflation.
Maurice Williamson Guest Speaker
2022-06-17 12:00:00Z |
The Blankets 4 kids 4 Winter “Wall of Blankets” in the War Memorial Information Centre. From left to right, Lole Turner Volunteer from All Saints, Bill Charkow Rotary Convenor, Sarah Laing Howick Village Association, Chontelle Bidois and Ann Voykovich Stand Children’s Services, Jane Newbury Howick Village Association. Foreground, Reverend Lucy Nguyen All Saints and Libby Giddey Our Lady Star of the Sea churches The Blankest 4 Kids 4 Winter appeal organized by Howick Rotary and supported by the Howick Village Association drew to a close last Tuesday. With blankets still flowing in the end result will be in excess of 1500 blankets donated to help keep needy families and kids warm this winter. Bill Charkow Rotary Convenor said “the response has been amazing across the whole community with individuals, families, schools and the BNI and Howick Click business groups making donations. Last year we collected around 350 blankets so this year’s effort has been incredible. As a club we are thrilled that the community has got in behind the project and has been so generous. People have donated excess home blankets, the Knitting in Public Group made and donated lovely colourful blankets, crochet squares have been made into blankets and there is a substantial quantity of brand-new blankets that people have purchased and donated, some still in boxes, in addition there were donations of children’s gloves, socks and knitted hats. Just marvellous!”
Blanket Bonanza!
2022-06-11 12:00:00Z |
Donna Hedley Regional Relationship Manager introducing the new Salvation Army team of Tiana and Neil Henderson. The Salvation Army were the clubs guests at the last dinner meeting. Donna Hedley Regional Relationship Manager whom the club got to know through the Food Parcel project took the opportunity to introduce the new local Salvation Army team of Tiana and Neil Henderson to the club. Donna was accompanied by fellow head regional office colleague Kate Hambly. Tiana and Neil presented the work that the local branch is involved in to support the local community. One of their new local approaches is to reach out to other local community organizations to provide better support packages for those people and families in need. They also thought that the Rotary International theme for 2021/22 of "Serve to Change Lives" aligned with their own approach to their ministry.
Introduction of New Local Salvation Army Team
2022-05-26 12:00:00Z |
Wendy Spiller belatedly receiving the Rotary Club of Howick Police Person of the Year Award for 2021 from President Madeleine East and Convenor David Owen Former police Area Commander Wendy Spiller was our guest speaker at the club’s dinner meeting. The evening was an opportunity to formally present the Rotary Club of Howick Police Person of the Year Award to Wendy after she became the recipient in 2021 but had been unavailable to receive it due to Covid work pressures. The Award was for the amazing job she had done while in her role as Area Commander and having dedicated 34 years to Police service.
Following this presentation Wendy provided some reflections on her work as Area Commander and Controller of the Auckland’s southern border under Covid in addition to outlining her new position as Director of the International Police Woman’s Conference which will be held in Auckland in 2023. The conference will be one of the few that combine two organizations, the International Organization of Women in Policing and the Australasian Organization for Women in Policing. Wendy is very excited about her new role as Conference Director and asked if the club could assist her with some small goodwill gifts that she can use to encourage support for the NZ conference as in preparation she will be attending the individual organization’s conferences being held in Sydney and Toronto in 2022.
Guest Speaker - Wendy Spiller
2022-05-13 12:00:00Z |
President Madeleine East presenting Caterer Foong Joseph with some flowers as a thank you for the delicious food that she had prepared during the clubs time at the Tennis Club. The Club’s recent dinner meeting was a ‘fond farewell” to our temporary venue at the Pakuranga Tennis Club. Under Red Covid conditions we have been unable to meet at the Howick Club and Jenny and John Richardson worked with President Madeleine East and the Social Committee to make the Tennis Club room’s available with full catering and bar facilities. The temporary “home away from home” has worked incredibly well and members have enjoyed the “airy” environment and delicious food prepared by tennis club member Foong Joseph and her team.
All in all, a great temporary venue and one that may well feature in future social events. A big thank you to Jenny Richardson President of the Pakuranga Tennis Club and her team for making it happen.
Farewell Night at Tennis Club
Rob Mouncey
2022-04-29 12:00:00Z |
Posted by Rob Mouncey
Some lovely knitted blankets donated by the Howick and Botany Knitting in Public Group “Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter” Blanket Donations Underway Already - Well Done Keep it Up! Winter is on its way and the unfortunate truth is that many families in the community will not have enough blankets to keep their kids warm on winter nights.
To assist these families Howick Rotary has started the collection of blankets and quilts through its “Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter” Appeal. Donations are already occurring and will run for the month of May. The project is being supported by the Howick Village Association which has added its organizational skills, resources and network to provide additional momentum. This follows the successful Rotary effort last year when more than 350 blankets were distributed to families in need through Stand Children Services and All Saints Anglican Church. In addition 40 Hand Woven blankets, along with many Teddy Bears, largely from the “Knitting In Public” groups of Howick and Botany, were donated to the Littlemore charity for the Middlemore Infant Birth Department.
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church has been added to the supported charities this year to enable more families in need to be reached.
Collection Points are the Howick War Memorial Building (Market Place) and Howick Village Optometrist in Picton Street and Grasslands in Moore Street. If you are group or a school that needs help with a pick up please call.
For more information contact Bill Charkow 021 663022 or Rob Mouncey 021 413341.
Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter
Rob Mouncey
2022-04-18 12:00:00Z |
Posted by Rob Mouncey
Iva Ropati Principal of Howick College shared his experience whilst on secondment to NZ Teachers Council to review Principal Leadership Growth and Development amongst NZ Principals. His presentation was thought provoking and challenging. The main recommendations of the team on conclusion of the review were: Priority 1: Address workload: • Increased and equitable staffing provision • Ensure nationally mandated change is appropriately resourced and managed, and • Implement recommendations from the Tomorrow’s Schools Report around property. Priority 2: Develop a formal and coherent programme for principal professional development and support. This should: • Support career development and progression from aspiring to experienced principals and beyond • Incorporate appointment criteria and include additional support for appointees who do not reach this threshold, and 9 • Provide specific and targeted support to grow leadership capability and aspiration among Maori and Pacific teachers and leaders.
Priority 3: Ensure there is tailored support for all principals by: • Develop best practice guidelines around supporting principal wellbeing • Provide Board training in understanding the challenges of the principal’s role, the importance of principal PLD for the school and the individual, and the support the principal needs to maintain their wellbeing, and • Establish the leadership advisor roles as recommended by the Tomorrow’s Schools taskforce to provide principals with customised support and critical friendship they can trust. All in all a very interesting evening.
Guest Speaker - Iva Ropati
Rob Mouncey
2022-04-18 12:00:00Z |
Glenice Yeoman a member of the club presented a brief “life story” at the last dinner meeting. Her life’s journey had not always been plain sailing but a wonderful relationship with her very special dad has shaped her life and who she is today.
Born in Whakatane, her mother had a stroke when Glenice was very young, and as a result was severely disabled. Care facilities were not what they are today so her mother’s care was largely undertaken by Glenice and her dad. Living with a severely disabled person and seeing the challenges that were faced daily strongly influenced Glenice’s decision to build an Air B and B which is set up to accommodate people with even the most severe disabilities.
Glenice trained as an event manager and worked in that field for a number of years but her early dream was to be an architect. While this ambition was not fulfilled, her interest and passion were a huge advantage in developing her home into her business with a beautiful outdoor area complete with pool.
Member Presentation
2022-03-26 11:00:00Z |
Our club has been fortunate to be able to continue to meet together during these difficult times. At our last meeting we heard from Deidre Alderson, Director of Education, Auckland, who spoke about the many changes currently underway in our school curriculum. A focus on literacy development and mathematics is clearly evident, along with a review of NZ history being taught in schools. It was interesting to hear how schools are meeting these new changes while also having to cope with the huge challenges COVID has brought. It was evident by the number of questions asked that there is very keen interest in what is happening in our schools.
Education Update
2022-03-12 11:00:00Z |
Club Members Enjoying an Informal Club Night at the Pakuranga Tennis Club The last meeting of Howick Rotary was an informal Club Night at which President Madeleine East took the opportunity to update members on a number of key Board matters and upcoming projects. It was noted that the Bookarama team are brainstorming new ideas to look at operating this project in different ways in the future. In addition the club has decided to assist the RSA in this years Poppy Appeal. Carole Ansley will be coordinating club member volunteers to help on Collection Day which is the 22nd April. The RSA needs the Clubs much needed assistance to make this year's Collection Day a big success as they have had to cancel the event in the last two years. The funds raised on the day go toward assisting Veterans and their families.
Club Night
2022-02-24 11:00:00Z |
Raveen Jaduram Director of the Infrastructure Commission and previous CEO of Watercare was our guest speaker at our last meeting. Raveen provided an interesting insight into the complex issues facing Auckland’s Watercare and those involved in the proposed 3 Waters legislation. In the case of Watercare it was clear that as an infrastructure entity that had to be consolidated into the accounts of the overall Auckland Council that funding issues for development would likely go on into the future. On the 3 Waters legislation he concluded that if the country wanted the right answer in terms of structure and control of water resources politicians should be asking the correct questions on what the current problems are.
Insight into Watercare and 3 Waters
2022-02-13 11:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Howick continues to support the Howick Historical Village. Recently a small dedicated group ensured the horse (which the Village has called Logan) and gig would be protected from the weather by putting down a concrete pad and shifting the rather heavy horse, along with the gig, to the new home. A much more comfortable place for Logan to stand, well protected from the elements.
Logan Installed
2022-02-13 11:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Howick has been running our popular pre-loved book sale every October since the year 2000. Due to Covid restrictions last year’s event was postponed until this March. Sadly, the current “code red” restrictions have caused us to make the frustrating and difficult decision to further defer Bookarama until next October. Bookarama is our major fund-raising event and we know the community look forward to donating their surplus books, puzzles, CD’s, DVDs and LPs for recycling as well as coming along to Bookarama and enjoying the opportunity to purchase these items at extremely attractive prices.
The good news is that we are now working toward holding the event in October at Somerville Intermediate School as we have in the past few years. So, if you are able to donate any items suitable for Bookarama we are ready to accept them.
For drop off arrangements or a collection call:
Geoff 09 534 9371 or 021 740 733 Steve 09 534 7589 or 022 102 8332 John 09 534 6566 or 029 774 6566
Bookarama Postponed Again Due to Covid
Rob Mouncey
2022-02-13 11:00:00Z |
With the number restrictions at the normal Howick Club venue under Red the Club has found another temporary location to hold meeting’s, the Pakuranga Tennis Club. The first meeting at the new venue was held this week. Tennis Club President Jenny Richardson was on hand to host the meeting and ensure arrangements went smoothly. The meeting was an opportunity for Directors and Administrators to update the whole club on projects and activities as well as reviewing the club’s financial wellbeing. President Madeleine East presided over the meeting and thanked presenters and the tennis club for making the meeting a success. The new venue worked very well and will allow the club to get back into the normal meeting programme while under Red Covid conditions.
First Meeting at New Temporary Venue
Rob Mouncey
2022-02-03 11:00:00Z |
It is with significant regret that we have to announce the cancellation of the Howick Fun Walk & Run Event for 2022. The Annual Event which is normally held toward the end of March will not be occurring this year. Under the current Public Health scenario with the many participating children still undergoing their vaccination programmes and now with Omicron in the community and the consequent move back under the Red Traffic Light conditions the event has had to be cancelled. We are sorry the situation has come to this point for such a popular local community event but rest assured Howick Rotary are committed to holding the event next year when hopefully we will have put the Covid interference in our lives behind us.
Howick Fun Walk & Run Cancelled
Rob Mouncey
2022-01-23 11:00:00Z |
After such a challenging year it was great for members to be able to meet up in person for a pre-Christmas get together. President Madeleine helped cut the Christmas cake once again made by our master baker, Jim Duckworth. We look forward to returning in the new year with our plans for 2022. Watch out for an announcement re an early 'Bookarama,' maybe late March, to replace this year's cancelled event. More to come! We wish all supporters the very best for Christmas and hopefully a more settled 2022 for us all. Merry Christmas.
Christmas Gathering
Rob Mouncey
2021-12-15 11:00:00Z |
The District Governor’s visit to a Rotary Club is always an opportunity to hear first-hand District goals for the year as well as international focus areas. This year by necessity we had this visit in virtual form. We welcomed DG Steve Chaney, his wide Edith as well as DG Elect Alan Smith and DG nominee Vinod Sareen. A large number of club members ‘zoomed’ in to hear DG Steve’s address with his focus on ‘diversity, equity and inclusion.’ The District Conference to be held next June will have these areas as their primary focus. Click on Slide Show to see Steve's presentation. Hopefully, with the upcoming change to the ‘traffic light system,’ members will be able to meet together for a pre-Christmas catch up which will truly be a time for celebration.
District Governor Zoom Club Visit
2021-11-26 11:00:00Z |
The Club held its annual AGM via Zoom last Tuesday. It was great to see so many joining in the video link. President for 2019/20 Gavin Green presented his report covering the year’s activities and Treasurer John Richardson presented the Annual Accounts. The Clubs AGM was followed by Trust AGM chaired by Rob Mouncey. Largely as a result of the Bookarama fundraising project the club has been able to support a wide range of projects and activities in the community even under Covid conditions. For a detailed schedule of the projects and activities along with value of donations and grants made click LINK. Maybe all AGMs in the future should be virtual! Too many attendees to fit on the one page! Congratulations to all the new officers for the coming year.
Zoom AGM's
2021-11-12 11:00:00Z |
Annually, the Rotary Club of Howick recognises a local Police Officer for the outstanding work done to help keep our community safe. Area Commander Wendy Spiller has always been extremely supportive and has, each year, presented the award on behalf of our Club. This year it was Inspector Spiller’s turn to receive the award after stepping down from such a high profile and demanding job. Sadly, the presentation had to be over Zoom. Wendy shared a number of challenges faced by the Police over these Covid times, including her current challenge as the Commander of Operation Romeo, the Mercer Checkpoint. It’s amazing just what can be found in a car boot! We wish Wendy every success as she moves into her new role as Director of the International Police Women’s Conference to be held in 2023 in NZ for the first time and thank her for all she has contributed to our community.
Police Awards
2021-10-28 11:00:00Z |
Alex Monk at the RYLA Awardees Dinner The Club had another Zoom meeting last Tuesday at which Alex Monk shared his experiences of this year's Rotary Young Leader Award Event that happened in July. He was able to observe and practice different leadership styles as the participants get the opportunity to lead different activities through the week long course. He was also exposed to various team dynamics and saw how the best team performance comes when the whole team is dedicated to the activity with the same high levels of energy and commitment from everyone. All in all a life changing experience with the added benefit of forming a new network of friends and colleagues..
RYLA Presentation
2021-10-14 11:00:00Z |
Another Zoom Rotary meeting in level 3 lockdown. We are all now becoming more and more proficient as we ‘zoom along,’ with the odd non-muted mike or forgetting the camera is on, all adding that little extra chuckle to the occasion. Last night we heard from two relatively new members to the club Carole Ansley and Tony Francis who each shared their life journey. It certainly reinforces the wealth of experience and capability we have in our club. We all look forward with optimism to an announcement that will take us to Level 2 when we will be able to meet up face to face once again. Zooming is great but it does not substitute for direct contact with friends.
Club Meets by Zoom Again
Rob Mouncey
2021-09-29 11:00:00Z |
 Not being able to meet together under lockdown a Zoom meeting was held with 24 members attending our digital get together. Virtual cheers and greetings were exchanged with a wide variety of pre-dinner drinks. Prior coaching on the use of the mute button saw the meeting go very well with members learning new Zoom skills with the use of hands up, smiles and thumbs up from the reaction box. Geoff Thompson provided an update on Bookarama and for further news on this community project see below. Our guest speaker for the night was our own Sally Fletcher who shared a brief account of her life. Some of the highlights included coming from farming stock with her family knowing the legendary All Black Clark brothers and her father teaching the great Don to kick a rugby ball no less! She spent time in the UK and Europe on her OE working in a variety of jobs, came home and ran the family timber yard and also trained in interior design and loves renovating houses. She was the first woman “traffic cop” in the Waikato. While living in Taupo Sally became so interested in Rotary’s disaster relief ShelterBox programme that she went to the UK for special training. It was this interest that bought her to Howick Rotary when she moved into the area. An interesting and diverse life and a great member of our team!
Club Meets on Zoom
2021-09-15 12:00:00Z |
Unfortunately the Club is unable to hold physical meetings under Leve's 4 and 3. Activities are being progressed as best they can through email, teleconferencing and Zoom meetings. We will be advising people if we have an Open Zoom Meeting so if you wish to attend let us know.
2021-08-31 12:00:00Z |
Chris Paul Community Liaison Officer for Coastguard receiving the Club's donation from President Madeleine East The Fun Walk and Run project the club runs in March each year raises funds for Howick Coastguard and the clubs last dinner meeting was a celebration of this year’s event. Chris Paul Community Liaison Officer for Coastguard formally received the gross proceeds for this year’s event along with a further amount from the Rotary Club of Howick Community Trust totaling $9500. The funds will go toward the operational costs of running this essential lifesaving community service. The Fun Walk and Run project is a community team effort with a committee involving the original Crawford Medical members of Judy Pascoe and Shirley Curtiss along with representatives from Coastguard and led by members from Howick Rotary. It is well supported by a grant and equipment from the Howick Local Board, principle sponsors Mega Mitre 10 Botany and a range of other prize sponsors. Howick Local Board Chairperson Adele White, Mega Mitre 10 Botany Owner Michael Beale and Business Development Manager Sudesh Prasad along with the organizing team were also guests on the night to round out the team celebration. From 2013 the first year that the Rotary club supported the event the proceeds were $647 with a few hundred participants. It now grown into a significant event on the community calendar with 14 schools and large numbers of families and individuals taking part in a healthy fun day based at Stockade Hill.
Howick Fun Walk and Run Celebration
2021-08-12 12:00:00Z |
We were pleased to be able to welcome two new members, Penny Li and Carole Ansley at our dinner meeting last Tuesday. Penny lives locally. Following her schooling in Bucklands Beach she graduated with a degree in Radiation Therapy. She works at Auckland City Hospital in this role helping cancer patients through their difficult journeys. Whilst in Wellington she attended Rotary’s RYLA programme and was also a member of Rotaract. Penny enjoys volunteering so she will be a great contributor to our club and the community.
Carole is a past member of our club and used to own the 'Titles' Book Store in Uxbridge Road a good number of years ago. After a long period away in Kati Kati she has moved back to Howick and re-joined our club. Her expertise will be very valuable with our annual Bookarama project.
If you would like to know more about Rotary or want to explore how you can participate in community projects please give us a call.
New Members
2021-07-28 12:00:00Z |
At our last dinner meeting we were fortunate to hear from the very talented Dr Helen Murray, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Auckland studying the anatomical changes in neurodegenerative diseases using post-mortem brain tissue. Helen made an incredibly complex subject so interesting that she was able to hold members and visitors spell bound! Dr Murray is captain of the NZ Ice Fernz women’s ice hockey team and as such her research is closely aligned to her personal experience which is helping better understand brain changes after repeated injury from severe knocks in contact sport and how then to improve brain health in sport.
If you would like to join with us to hear other outstanding speakers, and to participate in other club activities please call or email Colin Monk Mob: 0275 771 879 email: monk@xtra.co.nz .
Medical Science at its Best
2021-07-17 12:00:00Z |
President Gavin Green hands over the "Chain of Office" to incoming President Madeleine East at the Clubs Changeover night last Tuesday. Rotary Clubs world-wide complete their year at the end of June. A new President is elected and the new Rotary year begins, often with new goals and projects to complete. The Rotary Club of Howick held its ‘Changing of the Guard’ evening on Tuesday last with Madeleine East welcomed in as our new President. Madeleine, along with her Board, will set the club’s direction for the next 12 months. One thing however is certain, and that is the Club’s ongoing commitment to helping within our own community wherever possible. We can be very satisfied with what was achieved over the last 12 months in spite of the COVID challenges we all faced and look forward to continuing our commitment throughout the next year. Madeleine's full incoming speech is available through our Keyway bulletin and she provided the following statement under Read More to thank the organizers and introduce her new year.
"Changing of the Guard"
Rob Mouncey
2021-06-26 12:00:00Z |
Helen Donoghue with a typical humble "why me" look receiving a Paul Harris (Founder of Rotary) Award for her wonderful contribution to the Clubs activities and the Community at large from President Gavin Green. The Citation for Helens Award was presented by David Fels and this is included under Read More below.
Paul Harris Award
Rob Mouncey
2021-06-26 12:00:00Z |
Speaker Alison Kearney with Sergeant Mike Abercrombie answering questions following her presentation. One of our own Alison Kearney who owns and operates the House of Travel in Howick shared her experience of the dreadful impact that Covid 19 has had on the industry and her business at our Tuesday dinner meeting. Knowing about the outbreak in January and being led to believe that it was going to similar to the previous SAARS and MERS situation Alison left New Zealand to travel to Norway and the Artic to see the “bucket list” Northern Lights in late February. While away and being temporarily out of Wi-Fi contact, she suddenly had a barrage of emails on the 10th March notifying her of the situation as well as a deluge of questions from clients. On the 11th March the WHO declared the outbreak as a pandemic.
The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on her own business and the travel industry as a whole has been disastrous and Alison bravely related her own downsizing and alternative income business strategies that she and the NZ operations of the House of Travel had to put into place to survive. In addition, she told us about the international impact including such incredible statistics such as; 17000 planes being “idled” in deserts around the world at a cost of US$5000 per day, IATA members losses of a staggering US$84 billion up to July, all the world cruise ships anchored up and mothballed, Emirates refunding 750000 tickets per month and one airline having 19 policy changes in one month. She also shared some of the amazing House of Travel survival stories that occurred during this period.
Despite going through this horrendous ordeal Alison is proud of how her and the company have weathered the storm and is also immensely grateful for the ongoing customer support that she has received. After 33 years in the industry Alison is optimistic that with everyone getting vaccinated and borders opening safely that it will be “onwards and upwards from here” after an incredibly stressful year.
The full text of Alison’s presentation is available under Read More.
Covid 19 - The Impact on the Travel Industry
Rob Mouncey
2021-06-12 12:00:00Z |
Jim Duckworth receiving Rotary's "5 Avenues of Service" Award from District Governor Craig Horrocks under the watchful eye of President Gavin Green. Following an introduction by President Gavin in which he outlined the many different ways in which Jim has served the club and the community over his 50 years of active membership District Governor Craig Horrocks presented Jim with a “5 Avenues of Service” engraved crystal plaque. Jim’s family with wife Judy and daughter Rachel and son Jamie were on hand to help him celebrate an amazing milestone in Rotary service. Proof that “you can’t hold a good man down” Jim made his way to the rostrum on crutches to receive his award after undergoing another knee replacement the previous week! Jim joined Howick Rotary in July 1971 and is a Past President of the Club and has held numerous Directorship roles within the Club over his 50 years. His many roles and achievements include helping found the “Friends of Mangamangaroa” through which a magnificent local estuarine reserve has been created, helping the Fiji FAIM team build houses, led a District Group Study Exchange to Germany, set the path for the club in making the first Paul Harris Fellowship awards and being active in hosting exchange students and RYLA participants. Amongst his many skills and attributes Jim’s baking ability is well known to all club members through his mouthwatering “Eccles” and Charter Birthday and Christmas cakes that he has made for project treats and formal occasions over the 50 years!
A well-deserved award to an incredibly generous and community minded man!
For a more complete review of Jim’s amazing 50 years of involvement in Rotary’s 5 Avenues of Service along with another photo of Jim and family click on Read More.
Rotary's Prestigious "5 Avenues of Service" Award Presented to Jim Duckworth
Rob Mouncey
2021-06-12 12:00:00Z |
It is now 20 years since the Friends of Mangamangaroa was formed and a short power point presentation of the activities of the organization including the part that Howick Rotary played in its formation and ongoing operations was given by Allan Riley, Jim Duckworth and Warwick Kitchen. The power point presentation was accompanied by a quiz on the recognition of native tree samples – not an exercise members found easy! The Reserve was first formed when a number of individuals and community groups convinced the then Manukau City Council to purchase the land from the Somerville Estate and turn it into a reserve. The first planting took place on the 12th June 1999. Since then, an estimated 4500 – 8000 trees have been planted each year creating an amazing 5.4km walkway for the community.
The club can feel justifiably proud of the part that it has played in helping form this wonderful environmental asset.
Mangamangaroa Reserve Presentation
Rob Mouncey
2021-05-29 12:00:00Z |
Following an introduction by Mike Abercrombie President Gavin Green welcomed Tony Francis the Rotary Club of Howick and presented him with his club badge and membership certificate. Tony is transferring from the Rotary Club of Darwin where he was Rotarian of the Year in 2019/20. Tony is a paramedic, a job that has taken him to many different countries around the world. He currently works for St Johns as Manager – National Operations Effectiveness Centre. His interests include red wine, skiing, motorcycles, motorsport, travel and enjoys walking around golf courses.
Club members gave Tony a big warm welcome.
Welcome to Transferring Member
2021-05-29 12:00:00Z |
Bri. Flexman attended the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum in January of 2021. She joined two hundred other nationally selected candidates sponsored by Rotary clubs for an intensive two-week series of activities that spanned a vast range of science and technology subjects. These ranged from molecular biology to astronomy including practical’s involving analyzing her own DNA, testing her performance on Sport Science equipment and dissecting the heart, lungs and trachea of a sheep. Apart from providing her with a much wider perspective on what science and technology careers could be in front of her she immensely enjoyed being with liked minded people and has made some life long friends.
The club really enjoyed hearing Bri’s feedback as the Forum is one of the many ways that the club helps young people through sponsoring them on leadership and personal development courses.
National Science and Technology Forum Attendee Shares Her Experience
Rob Mouncey
2021-05-29 12:00:00Z |
This week’s meeting was kept short as we had an invitation to join with Howick Club’s ‘Wine Tasting’ group. After dinner members moved to the Howick Club’s function Room to enjoy an evening of tasting from Hãhã wines. Some 6 or 7 wines were offered creating considerable ‘well informed’ discussion. The presentation of the wines was accompanied by a background on the company and a description of each of the wines on offer by Auckland Sales Representative Ben Plummer.
Interestingly, Ben described Hãhã wines as a “virtual” winery with contracted grape growers, winemakers and bottlers. A most enjoyable evening for all. Thanks to the Howick Club wine group for the opportunity to participate.
Wine Tasting
2021-05-15 12:00:00Z |
Bill Charkow introduced new member Glenice Yeoman to the club and President Gavin Green then completed the induction ceremony and presented Glenice with her membership pack and name badge. The ceremony was rounded off by Rob Mouncey who welcomed new member Glenice to the Rotary International organization on behalf of 2020/21 President Holger Knaack. Life originated for Glenice in Whakatane. She came from a farming background and more recently worked successfully as an Events Manager for Villa Maria Wines.
She has four adult children and currently operates “attitude b n b” as Managing Director. Interestingly she has designed the “b n b” to suit the needs of families with disabilities to ensure they maximize the enjoyment of their stay.
It is evident that Glenice likes working in a team environment as she has already been a keen participant in the clubs’ projects. It is also nice that Glenice’s induction takes us another step along the journey of gender balance. Glenice will be joining the Community Committee.
New Member Induction
2021-04-30 12:00:00Z |
Howick Rotarians assisted with car marshalling and a sausage sizzle and drinks tent at the recent Brit and Euro Car Show at Lloyd Elsmore Park. There were over 1200 cars on display and thousands of visitors on the day. Demand was so high that another shipment of sausages had to be made to the tent!
Howick Rotary at Brit and Euro Car Show
Rob Mouncey
2021-04-16 12:00:00Z |
Laurence Kubiak was the speaker at the Club’s last dinner meeting. Laurence is Chief Executive of the NZ Institute of Economic Research and he presented his view on the economy as the country approaches a post Covid era. He was able draw on the Institutes Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion that was “hot off the press” as it had just been completed for the first quarter of 2021.
Laurence Kubiak, Chief Executive NZIER Presentation
Rob Mouncey
2021-04-16 12:00:00Z |
Colin Monk introduced new member Bhupen Narsay to the club at our last dinner meeting with President Gavin Green completing the induction ceremony and past president Rob Mouncey welcoming Bhupen to the Rotary International organization. Bhupen had been aware of Rotary, and its good work, for many years whilst living in Fiji. He is a trained and certified aircraft engineer, and has worked in Fiji, Canada, and latterly in NZ, in this role.
The arrival of COVID, and the problems in the airline industry, gave Bhupen the opportunity to take early retirement from Air New Zealand, and he is looking forward to giving something back to the community by joining Rotary. Bhupen’s wife Anila joined him for his induction ceremony and they were given a warm welcome by all members, partners and friends in attendance.
New Member Induction
2021-03-27 11:00:00Z |
Howick Local Board Chairperson Adele White was the guest speaker at the club’s dinner meeting. She took the opportunity to present what she called “Local Board 101” which was an interesting and comprehensive overview of the role of the Local Board within the local government of the “Auckland Super City”.
Howick Local Board Chair Presentation
2021-02-26 11:00:00Z |
New member Steve Lines presented a synopsis of his life to the club at our last meeting. Born in Walsall in the Black Country of England in 1953 Steve told us how he grew up in a “world of makers “as many of his relations worked in the Austin car factory in Birmingham or associated industries. His father was a fitter and turner and his mum looked after the family home and Steve and his younger brother Andrew. While at school at the early age of 16 he and his Dad restored a “clapped out “1961 Reliant using his part time job money. He joined the Royal Engineers cadet force and loved the structure and discipline of the army. He went on to train as a teacher at Shoreditch College London majoring in Science and Technology which led him onto a number teaching roles in English and New Zealand schools. His move to the area was as Head of Technology at Howick College and following that to avoid “drowning in paperwork” became the Graphics Teacher at Somerville Intermediate. It was here that he made the acquaintance of President Gavin.
Whilst at High Wycombe he met and married Sarah and they have 2 children Rebecca and Tom both of whom are married. Steve and Sarah have 3 grandchildren in Rebecca’s family and he says Tom is still practising! They love travelling and Steve is also an avid sailor. Since retiring from teaching in 2017 he enjoys “giving back” to the community and is a Board member of the Howick Menzshed organization. He is looking forward to continuing to serve the community through his Rotary membership.
A big welcome to Steve and Sarah!
The full text of his presentation is in Read More.
New Member Presentation
2021-02-13 11:00:00Z |
Registrations are Coming In Fast - Get yours in Quickly! The Howick Fun Walk and Run will be held on Sunday 28th March. The date is coming up fast - it is time to register. To register online go to www.howickfunwalkrun.co.nz or on site on the day. If you would like further information or want to help on the day contact John Osborne Ph 534 7699 mob 0272 161925 email jwosborne8@gmail.com
Howick Fun Walk and Run
2021-01-30 11:00:00Z |
One of the key objectives of Rotary is to provide support where we can to those in need. We know how Covid increased that need for so many young people and families over the past year. How best could we help within our limited resources? The media made it clear our local Foodbanks were struggling due to unprecedented demand. Members decided we should dig deep and provide financial assistance. With some of the funds raised through our projects such as our annual Bookarama, along with personal donations from members, we were able to provide funding close to $20k between 'Stand Children's Services, All Saints Church and the Salvation Army to assist those in most need in the middle of last year and again prior to Christmas. At last night's meeting we welcomed Pene Frost, Regional Manager of 'Stand Children's Services' and also Becky Fenn and Lole Turner from All Saints Church. Pene Frost Lole Turner Becky Fenn Regional Manager All Saints All Saints Stand Children Services Food Parcel Coordinator Christmas Lunch Box Coordinator
Food Parcel Support
2021-01-29 11:00:00Z |
One of the key objectives of Rotary is to provide support where we can to those in need. We know how Covid increased that need for so many young people and families over the past year. How best could we help within our limited resources? The media made it clear our local Foodbanks were struggling due to unprecedented demand. Members decided we should dig deep and provide financial assistance. With some of the funds raised through our projects such as our annual Bookarama, along with personal donations from members, we were able to provide funding close to $20k between 'Stand Children's Services, All Saints Church and the Salvation Army to assist those in most need in the middle of last year and again prior to Christmas. At last night's meeting we welcomed Pene Frost, Regional Manager of 'Stand Children's Services' and also Becky Fenn and Lole Turner from All Saints Church who in turn expressed their thanks for the generous support the Club had provided. Pene Frost Lole Turner Becky Fenn Regional Manager All Saints All Saints Stand Children Services Food Parcel Coordinator Christmas Lunch Box Coordinator Pene told us about how Stand had to go to 'contactless" deliveries under Covid and how Rotary's support had helped buy bulk food and blankets that were then dispensed into family lots. Sadly many of the families are transient with no permanent home as such. Lole informed us that the first donation for Food Parcels was a life line as they had almost run out of funding at the time and she was having sleepless nights worrying about what to do. The additional Food Parcel funding prior to Christmas was used to make a real difference to a significant number of families. Becky told us about the Christmas Lunch Box Appeal and how the members donations had really bought “the Gift of Christmas” to a lot of local families that were recommended by social workers, doctors and other local professionals who had contact with them. Members were visibly moved by many of the heart-felt stories of the challenges so many families are facing at present. Discussion will continue no doubt as to how we can do more in the future.
Food Parcel Thank You
2021-01-28 11:00:00Z |
Howick Rotarians took up the challenge at their Christmas Party early in December and raised $1640 for the Christmas Lunch Box Appeal being run by the All Saints Anglican Church for those needy families in the Howick Community. Organizer of the Christmas Party David Teape said “it was a good way for the club and its members to share some Christmas cheer with those people in the community that were in need of support”. The Christmas Lunch Box donation follows on from the donations of $2000 for Food Parcels made in November to All Saints and Stand Children’s Services made by the club from the Rotary Club of Howick Community Trust in conjunction with the Thomas Brydon Trust.
Christmas Party Generosity Supports All Saints Christmas Lunch Box Appeal
2021-01-18 11:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Howick Inc. and the Rotary Club of Howick Community Trust held their joint AGM on Tuesday 24th November. Immediate Past President Mike Abercrombie presented the Club’s Annual Report for the 2019/20 year which ended on 30th June. He noted that whilst the Covid 19 pandemic had severely impacted the latter part of the year the club’s main projects of Bookarama, the Fun Walk and Run were successfully held along with a broad range of community, environment and young people assistance projects including the Food Parcel project during the lockdown period. Ian Fox and Dave Wylie were thanked for their efforts to keep club communications going during lockdown through Zoom meetings.
Club AGM
Rob Mouncey
2020-11-25 11:00:00Z |
At a dinner meeting on the 24th November Past President Alan Martin and Community Liaison Officer Chris Paul from Howick Coastguard formally received a cheque for $6000 from Howick Rotary to help toward the cost of establishing a refuelling facility at its Howick Beach headquarters. In addition, Colin Monk, Fun Walk and Run Committee member was able to announce that the club had secured a further $3000 from the June Gray Charitable Trust to go toward the project.
Howick Rotary Supports Coastguard Refuelling Project
Rob Mouncey
2020-11-11 11:00:00Z |
 The Rotary Club of Howick Police annual Police Award was presented to the Commander of the Counties Manukau East Area Inspector Wendy Spiller at the club’s Tuesday dinner meeting at the Howick Club by President Gavin Green.
Police Award 2020
Rob Mouncey
2020-07-31 12:00:00Z |
Salvation Army Awards Certificate of Appreciation to Members of the Club. Howick Branch Pastor Joanne Wardle and Northern Regional Relationship Manager Donna Hedley made the award to Club President Gavin Green at the club's dinner meeting last Tuesday. The total of the donations made by the members, the Rotary Club of Howick Community Trust and the Thomas Brydon Trust was $10470. Pastor Joanne said "the demand for food parcels had more than doubled under Covid 19 and the funds allowed them to significantly extend the breadth and depth of support within the local community".
Food Parcel Project
2020-07-15 12:00:00Z |
The club held its traditional Changeover Meeting on 23rd June at the Howick Club. New President Gavin Green was welcomed and past President Mike Abercrombie farewelled.
Changeover 23rd June 2020
Alex Garden
2020-06-26 12:00:00Z |
Club Zoom Meeting Features Local MP Simeon Brown as Guest Speaker. On Tuesday evening the club held its first Zoom Club meeting attended by 23 members. Our guest speaker for the evening was Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown.
Guest Speaker Simeon Brown
Rob Mouncey
2020-05-26 12:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Howick Community Trust and club members have joined forces with the Thomas Brydon Trust to help local organizations provide food parcels to needy families in the Howick area.
Food Parcel Project
Rob Mouncey
2020-05-12 12:00:00Z |
Due to the health risks associated with the Covid 19 virus the Board of the Rotary Club of Howick has decided to suspend club meetings for an approximate period of two months. The situation will be reviewed again at the May Board meeting planned for the 21st May.
Howick Rotary Suspends Club Meetings
2020-03-18 11:00:00Z |
Howick Rotary announces the cancellation of its Rotary Young Leader Awards and Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment programmes. After careful consideration of the health risks associated with the Covid 19 virus pandemic the organizers have decided to cancel these events for 2020.
RYLA and RYPEN Cancelled
2020-03-16 11:00:00Z |
Howick Rotary President Mike Abercrombie would like to wish the Howick Community, Members, Associates and Friends “A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND TO ALL YOUR FAMILIES AND WE HOPE YOU HAVE A SAFE & ENJOYABLE TIME OVER THE HOLIDAY PERIOD”.
Christmas Message
Rob Mouncey
2019-12-19 11:00:00Z |
Howick Rotary and fellow clubs in District 9920 have responded positively to a request from the Rotary Club of Apia to help them in supporting the Ministry of Health and communities in Samoa. The Ministry of Health have specifically sought assistance from Rotary for health centre furnishings and supplies (beds, screens, trolleys, wheelchairs etc.) The Rotary Club is also providing family support for those bereaved families. To date 16 children have died with some thousands under care and observation.
Aid for Samoan Measles Epidemic
Rob Mouncey
2019-12-19 11:00:00Z |
Exchange student Polly Chamberlain reports from Germany.
February Report from Exchange Student Polly Chamberlain
2018-03-08 11:00:00Z |
We urgently seek some more help from members, partners, and friends with duties at this show.
2018-02-22 11:00:00Z |
This week’s speaker was Dr. Byron Kemp of Platinum Chiropractic. Byron spoke to us about the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Despite the fact he started by confessing to being “Australian” we forgave him because he is a long time resident and has taken on the task of treating some of our members.
Dr. Byron Kemp of Platinum Chiropractic
2018-01-26 11:00:00Z |
Barry Nicholls is still taking bookings for the weekend at the Arlberg Ski Club social weekend. The accommodation cost is $20 per person per night. The booking is for the weekend of 3rd and 4th February, two nights. Barry is very happy to talk to those who have not been on this trip before. The last trip was late January 2015 when a great social time, lots of walks, chairlift rides and lunch at New Zealand's highest café. Barry assures us that there will be room for some family and friends, so join the fun if you can.
Trip to the Arlberg Ski Club at Mt. Ruapehu
2018-01-25 11:00:00Z |
There has been an ongoing project to convert our club onto Club Runner. This comprehensive software package specifically for Rotary Clubs is now being used by large numbers of clubs in our district and internationally. This coming Tuesday Dave Wylie and Alex Garden will talk to us about the biggest change to running our club in many years. Alex Garden is a Rotarian and is the President of Pohutukawa Coast club. His company NetInsites specialises in the development and support of websites.
Howick Rotary and Club Runner
Dave Wylie
2018-01-25 11:00:00Z |
My induction as President was delayed until 19th July 2016 largely due to our club’s substantial involvement with the Rotary organised event called RYLA. This was successfully completed early in July. With the changeover to Gavin Green on the 20th June 2017, I was effectively a President for just 11 months although officially from 1/7/16 to 1/7/17!
Geoff's Report for 2016-2017
2017-12-15 11:00:00Z |
It is a few weeks before I hop on a plane and head back to New Zealand. I can’t believe my year is almost over, I’ve learnt so much and experienced things that couldn’t have happened without Rotary. My club has been with me every step of the way and they have supported me so much.
Nicola Elia's Report
2017-12-15 11:00:00Z |
Posted by Dave Wylie
Well it has taken some time but we now have Club Runner up and working and this Keyway has been produced using Club Runner and the individual records of all members and friends of Howick Rotary. The software has functions that will, in time, make it easier for us all to administer and manage our terrific club. Most clubs in District 9920 have either implemented, or are in the process of implementing the system. The software is cloud based (i.e. on the internet) and is also used by District and has links to RI as well.
Welcome to ClubRunner
Dave Wylie
2017-12-08 11:00:00Z |
One of the many highlights of our club Christmas party last Tuesday was a $5,000 donation to Howick Volunteer Coastguard. John Osborne made the presentation on behalf of our club. They provide a fantastic service to our community. Without their dedication there would be a lot more grief amongst our community particularly at this time of the year. A local example of "Service before self."
Howick Coastguard Donation
Dave Wylie
2017-12-06 11:00:00Z |
The 18th Rotary Club of Howick Bookarama took place October 11th-15th at the Howick RSA.
Bookarama Report
2017-11-06 11:00:00Z |